Duxbury DBT Win Main Menu
DBT Win 14.1 Basic Links
- Purchase DBT Win 14.1 $ € ¥ £
- Purchase Updates for Your Duxbury DBT License On-Line New!
- Download DBT Win 14.1 for a Demo or for an Update
- What is New in Duxbury DBT Win 14.1?
- Braille Math and Duxbury DBT Win 14.1
- Languages and Duxbury DBT Win 14.1
- Duxbury DBT Product Information
- Download SWIFT 5.7 (or earlier versions of SWIFT)
- Duxbury DBT File Import (what type of files does DBT import?)
- Price Quote/Purchase DBT Win 14.1
- Download DBT Win 14.1 demo/backup CD-ROM iso image
DBT Win General Documentation
- Duxbury DBT On-line documentation (English)
- Duxbury DBT On-line documentation (Google Translate)
- Full Release History of Duxbury DBT
Why Should I Update My DBT?
- I have DBT 12.7. What is new since then?
- I have DBT 12.6. What is new since then?
- I have DBT 12.5. What is new since then?
- I have DBT 12.4. What is new since then?
- I have DBT 12.3. What is new since then?
- I have DBT 12.2. What is new since then?
- I have DBT 12.1. What is new since then?
- I have DBT 11.3. What is new since then?
- I have DBT 11.2. What is new since then?
- I have DBT 11.1. What is new since then?
- I have earlier version of DBT. Please give me the complete release history.
DBT Win Documentation on Specific Topics
- Simple Installation and Setup (pdf for a single-user installation)
- Complete Installation and Setup (pdf for a network IT person)
- Getting Started with Duxbury DBT
- List of supported braille embossers | Connecting Embossers to USB Ports
- Braille Math and Duxbury DBT
- Languages and Duxbury DBT
- DBT Codes Quick Reference
DBT Win Technical Support
- Use the Search button in the DBT Help to locate specific topics.
- Phone Support for Duxbury DBT: Monday-Friday, 9:00-4:30 ET at +1-978-692-3000.
- DuxNews and DuxUsers: e-mail News Bulletins and e-mail Discussion about Duxbury DBT
- Web form Support for Duxbury DBT You must type your e-mail address!
- List of DBT Trainers around the World
Registration and Activation
Copyright Duxbury Systems, Inc. Thursday, July 27, 2023