Office Opening Hours, Holidays, and Weather-related Closures

Normally, Duxbury Systems operates from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Eastern Time) Monday through Friday. The Technical Support Department closes at 4:30 PM. Public Holidays and winter storms may affect our operating schedule.

This month's holiday closure: Monday, February 17 for Washington's Birthday.

The web page gives the weather for Westford, MA.

Duxbury Systems is closed on days when the Westford, Massachusetts schools are closed due to weather conditions. The web page gives the school closing announcements. (When that page indicates "early release," the office will close early, depending on storm timing. Employees who can do their work remotely should telecommute for the day.) Using communications technology, the staff of Duxbury will do their best to serve you on days when weather forces us to close the office.

Click for Westford, Massachusetts Forecast

Copyright Duxbury Systems, Inc. Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Duxbury Systems, Inc. website