Absolutely New Features
All of this text applies to DBT 11.3.
Save to Word
- You need to open an inkprint DBT file (a *.dxp file).
- You need to have a copy of Microsoft Word (2007 or higher) installed on your computer.
- From the DBT File Menu, select Save As
- For the prompt Save As type, select Word Document (*.docx)
- After a short delay, your Word file has been created.
Integrating with Tactile View
Tactile View is a graphics program which must be obtained.
The vendor has supplied instructions.
Pre-UEB Braille Formatted File Importer
DBT 11.3 has a feature designed to help you update older braille formatted files into UEB braille. Here is a hypothetical situation. You once created braille for a document. Now someone wants a copy of that in UEB braille. But you lost the DBT file (please, always save your DBT files), but you do have a braille formatted file. So the question becomes, "Would Duxbury please solve this problem caused by my losing the Duxbury file?" This new feature is designed to handle this situation. Remember: English language only, no math in the files you can process.
Instructions for Importing the Braille Formatted File for this Feature.
- Launch DBT
- Press Control-O to open a file. Select a braille formatted file (brf file).
- During the import process, there is a screen that asks the DBT Template and the Import Filter. Select as specified:
- Select the English (UEB) - BANA or the English (UEB) - UK formatting DBT Template
- The default Import Filter is Formatted Braille. The Import Filter just below this is Formatted Pre-UEB to Print. Move the cursor down to select Formatted Pre-UEB to Print.
- After file import, you will have an inkprint file (*.dxp) which has some errors (formatting and translation). Locate the errors and fix them.
- The translation table for your file is UEB braille. When you translate to braille, you should have well-formatted UEB braille.