User Discussion Groups

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DuxNews - Duxbury's Email Newsletter

Receive news about Duxbury Systems and our products by signing up for Duxnews -- Duxbury's email newsletter. Here's how you can join:

To subscribe to duxnews, send a blank message to with "subscribe" (without the quotes) in the subject line. Alternatively, one may visit and subscribe, unsubscribe, or change subscription options at any time via the "login" page. List archives may also be viewed at that site.

There is no need to join both Duxuser and Duxnews, because any information that we post to Duxnews would also be posted to Duxuser.

DBT - DuxUser Discussion Group

The Duxuser forum is an Internet email listserv that is open to Duxbury users, or others potentially interested in becoming Duxbury users, for sharing of ideas and to seek advice on matters beyond routine technical support. Duxbury posts notices of interest to Duxbury users, including the electronic edition of its newsletter (Duxuser) and prompt detailed information about all releases (even minor updates), to Duxuser.

To subscribe to duxuser, send a blank message to with "subscribe" (without the quotes) in the subject line. Alternatively, one may visit and subscribe, unsubscribe, or change subscription options at any time via the "login" page. List archives may also be viewed at that site.

There is no need to join both Duxuser and Duxnews, because any information that we post to Duxnews would also be posted to Duxuser.

MegaDots - Transcribers Discussion Group

Click here to sign up for the MegaDots-Transcriber discussion group

Copyright Duxbury Systems, Inc. Thursday, July 27, 2023

Duxbury Systems, Inc. website