Purchasing Duxbury DBT for Mac

Ordering Single User New DBT for Mac Licenses On-line

Click on this image to purchase DBT for Mac now

New single-user licenses for the Duxbury Braille Translator for Mac may be ordered online at this link. The price is $695. See the Duxbury Systems Price List for additional details.

Locating a Dealer for DBT

There is one or more Duxbury DBT dealer(s) located in Thailand. If you need help locating a dealer who will serve your location, email orders@duxsys.com.

Duxbury DBT for Mac Purchase (off-line)

Thank you for making a purchase decision. You can also place your order with Duxbury in one of these three ways:

Copyright Duxbury Systems, Inc. Friday, July 28, 2023

Duxbury Systems, Inc. website