Control file listing for: Braillo 270
- # *** Embosser definition unchanged since 05/12/2011
- # escape sequence (using Braillo Driver. name contains 270)
- # Note: no escape command for interpoint / single sided
- # Note. only supports whole inches 4-14 length plus 9.5. 10.5. 11.5. 12.5. and 13.5
- # Note. only supports widths 27-42 (no 1E or 1F sequence used if outside of the range)
- # esc 6. esc A. esc Ascii 30. esc Ascii 31. esc E
- # Based on prom version 01-16
- CanDoInterpoint
- NoLeftMargin
- NoRightMargin
- MaximumCells = 42
- UsingEscapeCodes
- Driver = "Emb_BrailloEmbosserDriver"
- Submodel = 3
- HelpPage = "Braillo_270.htm"
- Form "10_n" = 85 x 100 ; SinglePage ; 34 x 25 ; 32 x 23
- Form "11_n" = 85 x 110 ; SinglePage ; 34 x 27 ; 32 x 25
- Form "11_w" = 115 x 110 ; SinglePage ; 42 x 27 ; 40 x 25
- Form "12_n" = 85 x 120 ; SinglePage ; 34 x 30 ; 32 x 28
- Form "12_w" = 115 x 120 ; SinglePage ; 42 x 30 ; 40 x 28
- Form "13_n" = 85 x 130 ; SinglePage ; 34 x 32 ; 32 x 30
- Form "13_w" = 115 x 130 ; SinglePage ; 42 x 32 ; 40 x 30