Louis Braille and the Braille System
UEB Braille
- UEB Information from BANA
- UEB Chart from Duxbury Systems
- UEB Information from the International Council on English Braille
Braille Charts
Braille Charts available for downloadHistory
- Louis Braille and the Braille System
- Louis Braille information from The New York Institute for the Blind
- Louis Braille information from the American Foundation for the Blind
- Early Braille Translators and Embossers
- Documents on Automated Braille Production: An Historical Resource
- Timeline for Duxbury Systems
YouTube Videos: North American Braille
Here are 7 short videos packed with information about Braille. They come from a YouTube channel called "InOneLesson".
- 1: How to Memorize 50 of the 64 Braille Cells
- 2: Numbers, Capital Letters and Italics
- 3: Punctuation Marks
- 4: The Words Represented by Braille Letters
- 5: Multi-Cell Contractions
- 6: Rules for Writing & Braille Memory Aides
- 7: How to Read Braille
North American Braille
- The Braille System
- Official Codebooks on North American Braille
- Publications about North American Braille from the BANA website
Braille Around the World
- Unified English Braille Code (UEB) Research Project
- British Braille (BAUK Publications List)
- French Braille
- German Braille
- World Braille Usage, 2013 (Perkins, and other contributors)
- Languages and Duxbury DBT Win 14.1: How DBT Supports the Languages of the World
Mathematics and Science Braille Systems
- Mathematics and Science Braille Systems from around the world
- Resources on Nemeth Braille from Susan Osterhaus
Music Braille
Papers by Joseph Sullivan, President of Duxbury Systems
- SGML, Braille and UBC March 1993
- "What the Future Holds for Braille," paper given at the Asian & Pacific Regional Seminar on Information Technology for Visually Impaired Persons, Hong Kong, China, December 1996.
- "A Perspective on Braille Unification," paper given at the 10th World Conference of the International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment, São Paulo, Brazil, August, 1997.
- "Braille Becomes Electric: The Trials and Triumphs of Braille Translation Software" paper published in the July 2009 issue of the AFB Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness
- "Unifying Braille: Louis Braille's Vision in Tomorrow's World," paper prepared for presentation at the Celebration of the Bicentenary of Louis Braille's birth at UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, January 2009.
Copyright Duxbury Systems, Inc. Friday, July 28, 2023