MegaDots contains formats to comply with the new rules in Braille Formats Principles of Print to Braille Transcription, 1997. To use these rules, you need to select one of these Style Sheets: TEXTBK97, EXAM, NEMETH, or NEMEXAM. The TEXTBK77 style sheet uses the old rules, circa 1977.
Here are the major differences between TEXTBK97 and TEXTBK77:
When all paragraphs are blocked: use Body text as usual Alt-B B
When some paragraphs are indented, and some are blocked:
Alt-B B
Alt-B B
and Alt-left arrow
to block the paragraph. Use Alt-right arrow
to change a blocked paragraph to an indented paragraph.
Use the same technique for blocked Quotations (Rule 1: 17a(2), page 23).
When it is necessary to indicate unnumbered page changes, use Control-Enter
and use a hyphen, -
instead of a number. MegaDots will indicate the page change with a line of dots 3-6. Additional braille pages will be blank in the upper right corner. If page numbering resumes, Control-Enter
, and enter the appropriate number.
MegaDots now allows for long page numbers (necessary with letter/number or number/number combinations).
When text ends on lines 24 or 25 before a change in context, a blank line is left at the top of the next braille page. There is no blank line left if the text ends on lines 23 or before.
There is no blank line following an attribution (unless required by another format).
In the margin listing of the Special Symbols page, the letter indicator is not used before a single letter. MegaDots will automatically omit the letter sign before a single letter.
In the Table of Contents, MegaDots will leave at least six blank cells after any braille line that is not followed by a page number (the old rule where line length was determined by longest page is no longer used).
When choosing the Table of Contents page, Control-Insert B P Con
, MegaDots now drops in the heading, Volume 1, and the Chapter-Page line. Delete or change these lines as needed.
Uncontracted braille is used for words showing letter or letters in special emphasis. Examples: instrument, inSTRUment. MegaDots automatically translates such words as grade one braille.
Note: in a similar fashion in(stru)ment will be translated as grade one. Plurals such as instrument(s) and watch(es) will be translated as grade two braille.
If only some listed items are marked with bullets, check marks, etc., the print sign will automatically be displayed in MegaDots with dots 2-6, 2-6. If more than one type of mark is shown, indicate it by using the signs available through the Alt-+
MegaDots automatically aligns the initial letters of all words in the list (list becomes 4-6).
There are numerous instances listed in Braille Formats when headings are to be repeated on additional braille pages. The heading is followed on the same line by (cont.) and no blank line is left after the continued heading (unless followed by another heading). When the heading is marked, MegaDots will automatically repeat the heading on the following pages.
Create the heading as usual, then Control-Insert R
(Repeat heading).
It is necessary to turn off the repeated heading once the block of information under the heading is completed. Use Control-Insert R
or Alt-R R
on a blank line.
Note: Repeat headings cannot be used in a table with a Table footer or a Table header.
Mathematical signs: these have not yet been added to MegaDots in any style sheet other than NEMETH and BABYNEM.
Enter ratio as :
(a spaced colon).
Enter proportion as ::
(two colons with a space preceding and after).
For plurals of dates, an apostrophe is no longer inserted if one is not shown in print (1990s). A letter sign is inserted automatically.
NOTE: We've gotten mixed messages from textbook authorities as to whether such things as POs should insert the apostrophe or the letter sign. MegaDots is inserting the letter sign. If you prefer that an apostrophe be used, insert it before translating. (To insert an apostrophe in words that have more than 2 upper case letters followed by a lower case s, go to the top of the document with Control-Home
, and use Complex find/replace. Control-F9
, type u/2-{}"s"\\"control-a"
in the find/replace field [use the keystrokes for control-a, enclosed in quotes, do not type out the words]).
The slash symbol, 4-5-6, 3-4 is used between words. Follow print for spacing.
Bullets are ignored when the document is translated (you'll still see them in the ink document).
A list without a heading will begin on a new braille page unless there is room for at least three listed items at the bottom of the braille page.
A list with a heading will begin on a new braille page unless there is room for the heading and at least two listed items at the bottom of the braille page.
Unmarked cross-references and incidental notes are blocked in cell 7 and are preceded and followed by a blank line. Use Alt-N Cr
(Cross reference) OR Alt-T I
(Incidental note). These two styles are identical.
It is preferable to place all answer choices on one braille page. After working with this, it was decided to not add this to TEXTBK97, as there are many times when textbooks show numbered/lettered items that are not actually questions and answers. Use the EXAM style sheet (F10, Document, Style sheet selection) to automatically protect question and answer choices to one page. (EXAM uses all the new rules in MegaDots).
Rule 1: 4b(4): "Do not use the letter indicator when a hyphen precedes a single letter or a letter combination." It is no longer necessary to suppress the letter sign for such things as -s.
Rule 1: 7(3): "The transcriber's note symbol must not be in contact with any whole-word, lower-cell braille contraction." To, into, and by are not contracted after the opening TN symbol.
Centered heading followed by a note now leaves the required blank line.
Sometimes displayed material will interrupt exercise format. When Exercise (level 1) is followed by displayed material, which is followed by Exercise (level 2), Exercise 1 will use the correct 1-5 margins.
Glossary style, Alt-S G
, now allows multiple spaces. This is desirable when there is no intervening punctuation between the entry word and a definition starting in a lower case letter. Note: MegaDots will put in the extra space automatically when the file is translated, if the space has not already been added to the print document.