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Nemeth Code and MegaDots Baby Nemeth

There are two Nemeth translators built into MegaDots 2.3: MegaMath and Baby Nemeth. You can select either one. Use the style sheet Nemeth for MegaMath or Babynem for Baby Nemeth. MegaMath is more automatic, Baby Nemeth is much more manual.

Basic Approach

MegaDots has several new features designed to assist you in producing a book in Nemeth Code. These features assist you in getting the correct translation and format. They are:

Data Entry

Be aware that you will have to enter the mathematical sequences yourself. This means you need to know the basics of Nemeth Code in order to produce a book in Nemeth Code. If you want to avoid learning about Nemeth Code, wait for our full translator in early 1997.

To enter Nemeth sequences, enter the text in the way you feel comfortable (full keyboard or Perkins 6-key keyboard). Mark the Nemeth sequence in a block and press Control-T X. This sets the block to exact translation. This ensures that the entire block is not modified by the MegaDots translators at all. You can press F5 all you want, and the material marked as exact translation is unchanged.

The Nemeth sequences in this document are rendered in exact translation and are enclosed in braces. Do not type the braces. For example, the Nemeth for "y = 2sin x" is written as {y .k #2sin x}. In Nemeth, the equal sign is space, dots 4-6, dots 1-3, space.

To really learn Nemeth Code, you need a copy of the Nemeth Braille Code for Mathematics and Science Notation, which is available in both inkprint and braille copies from:

If you are producing chemistry material, there is a supplement called Chemistry in Braille, 1991, which is available in inkprint from:

Nemeth Format

The Nemeth style sheet is a direct copy of the Textbook style sheet with some exceptions. The styles Exercise and Directions are modified according to the rules of Nemeth Code.

In Nemeth Code, directions start in cell 5, and run over to cell 3. In Nemeth code, exercises (called "non-spatial itemized material" in the code book) begin in cell 1 and run over to cell 3. Any subordinate items (levels 2 or above in MegaDots lingo) begin in cell 5 and run over to cell 3.

There are also two new styles in the Nemeth style sheet: Displayed mat. (displayed material) and Spatial mat. (spatial material).

Nemeth Database

Here is a list of math symbols with their Nemeth Code equivalent. It is based on how mathematical symbols are verbalized. If you do not know the names of the mathematical symbols you want to braille, this guide will not be of much use.


See also start modified expression, modified expression, below, and terminate modified expression; contrast with superscript. To modify the expression xxx to place yy above it, enter {"xxx<yy]} (the dot 5 is the multipurpose indicator, showing a modified expression. The dots 1-2-6 shows that the following material is above. The dots 1-2-4-5-6 is the termination sign, showing that the modified expression is over.


The first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, entered as {,,a}. Notice the ambiguity with a double capitalized word starting with the letter "a".


Greek letter a, entered as Alt-G a for lower case or Alt-G A for upper case. In braille, the lower case alpha is {.a} and the upper case alpha is {.,a}

Alphabets, Different

You can show many different alphabets with Nemeth Code. Here is the list: English letter (Roman letter) {;}, German letter {_}, Greek letter {.}, Hebrew letter {,,}, and Russian letter {@@}.

The Nemeth Code book has these alphabets all printed out. This may be useful if you need a handy chart. If you know the names of the different letters, you can look things up in our main index. To write the Greek letter pi (a Greek p), just write {.p} The order for indicators is: typefont indicator, alphabet indicator, capitalization indicator, followed by letter.


Entered as {_&}


Entered in exact translation as: {$[}, for example angle ABC is written as {$[,a,b,c}.

Angstrom Units

Units of measurement shown in inkprint as a capital A with a hollow dot above it, entered as {@,a}.


Entered in Exact Translation as: {'}. Just use an apostrophe outside of exact translation. See MegaDots translation.

Arc, concave down

Entered in Exact Translation as: {$'}

Arc, concave up

Entered in Exact Translation as: {$a}

Arrow shaft

Entered in Exact Translation as: {33}

Arrow, bidirectional horizontal (contracted form)

Entered in Exact Translation as: {$[o}

Arrow, bidirectional horizontal

Entered in Exact Translation as: {$[33o}

Arrow, bidirectional vertical (contracted form)

Entered in Exact Translation as: {$<[o}

Arrow, bidirectional vertical

Entered in Exact Translation as: {$<[33o}

Arrow, down (contracted form)

Entered in Exact Translation as: {$%o}

Arrow, down

Entered in Exact Translation as: {$%33o}

Arrow, left

Entered in Exact Translation as: {$[33}

Arrow, right

Entered in Exact Translation as: {$33o}

Arrow, right double

Entered in Exact Translation as: {$7o}

Arrow, up (contracted form)

Entered in Exact Translation as: {$<o}

Arrow, up

Entered in Exact Translation as: {$<33o}


The MegaDots translator can render simple, linear arithmetic problems into proper braille. The trick is representing the "times" symbol (which looks like an x) and the "divided by" symbol (which looks like a hyphen with dots above and below). To allow data entry, use \x (backslash x) for times, and \-: (backslash hyphen colon) for the divided by symbol (in a sense it is a hyphen jammed into a colon). Also use \? for an omission sign. To write "10 divided by 2 = ?? just enter 10\-:2=\? in the standard mode (not as exact translation). MegaDots will render this as {#10./2 .k =} (divided by becomes dots 4-6 dots 3-4, the omission sign becomes a full cell). See also MegaDots translation.

Spatial format of arithmetic problems is more difficult. Make extensive use of the blank character symbol (entered as Control-B). This symbol is an unbreakable space in the final braille. Use it to position equations so they line up in the braille output. See spatial format.


Entered in Exact Translation as: {@#}

At sign

Entered in Exact Translation as: {@a}

Back slash

Entered in Exact Translation as: {_*}


An inkprint diagonal line from the upper left to the lower right, entered as {_*}.

Bar over and bar under logical product

Entered in Exact Translation as: {:@%:}

Bar over and bar under logical sum

Entered in Exact Translation as: {:@+:}

Bar over and equals sign under logical product

Entered in Exact Translation as: {:@%.k}

Bar over and equals sign under logical sum

Entered in Exact Translation as: {:@+.k}

Bar over double tilde

Entered in Exact Translation as: {:@:@:}

Bar over greater than sign

Entered in Exact Translation as: {:.1}

Bar over inclusion sign

Entered in Exact Translation as: {:_"k}

Bar over less than sign

Entered in Exact Translation as: {:"k}

Bar over logical product

Entered in Exact Translation as: {:@%}

Bar over logical sum

Entered in Exact Translation as: {:@+}

Bar over reverse inclusion sign

Looks like a backwards stretched c (or a sideways u with the opening to the left). Entered in Exact Translation as: {:_.1}

Bar over tilde

Entered in Exact Translation as: {:@:}

Bar under double tilde

Entered in Exact Translation as: {@:@::}

Bar under greater than sign

Entered in Exact Translation as: {.1:}

Bar under inclusion sign

Entered in Exact Translation as: {_"k:}

Bar under intersection

Entered in Exact Translation as: {.%:}

Bar under less than sign

Entered in Exact Translation as: {"k:}

Bar under logical product

Entered in Exact Translation as: {@%:}

Bar under logical sum

Entered in Exact Translation as: {@+:}

Bar under reverse inclusion sign

Entered in Exact Translation as: {_.1:}

Bar under tilde

Entered in Exact Translation as: {@::}

Bar under union sign

Entered in Exact Translation as: {.+:}

Base-line indicator

This symbol takes you back to the baseline from a subscript and superscript without needing a space. Entered in Exact Translation as: {"}. See also subscript and superscript.


Indicates the end of a superscript or subscript. Most inkprint signs share a common vertical reference; signs appearing above or below this baseline are interpreted as superscripts or subscripts. You go back to the baseline with a space, multipurpose indicator, or punctuation indicator. The multipurpose indicator is also used to start modified expressions. It is entered as {"}. To write "x cubed", enter {x^3} (the space takes you back to the baseline. To write "x cubed plus 2 x squared" enter {x^3"+2x^2} (since there is no space before the plus sign, you need the dot 5 multipurpose indicator to take you back to the baseline)


Looks like three dots, 2 above one dot. Entered in Exact Translation as: {@/}


Precedes material that will be printed directly under other material, entered as the directly-under indicator {%} within a modified expression. See also start modified expression, above, and terminate modified expression; contrast with subscript.


The second letter of the Hebrew alphabet, entered as {,,b}.


Greek letter b, entered as Alt-G b for lower case or Alt-G B for upper case. In braille, the lower case beta is {.b} and the upper case beta is {.,b}

Binomial expression

A binomial is a mathematical expression shown as one quantity written above another quantity, enclosed within enlarged parenthesis. Use an open parenthesis, then the top element, then {%}, then the lower element, then a closed parenthesis.

Bold face

Bold face is a typefont indicator. It is used for inkprint letters that are thicker and darker than normal. Enter as {_). For example, Enter a bold face capital x as: {_;,x}. The order for indicators is: typefont indicator, alphabet indicator, capitalization indicator, followed by letter.

Bond, double horizontal (chem)

See note under Chemistry. A double horizontal bar connecting portions of a chemical structure. Enter as {_7]}. For example, if the inkprint shows C=C, enter as {,c_7],c}.

Bond, double vertical (chem)

See note under Chemistry. A double vertical bar connecting portions of a chemical structure. Enter as {__}. Be careful with spatial arrangments. Use Spacing same style and the control-B blank character to line things up in MegaDots.

Bond, single horizontal (chem)

See note under Chemistry. A single horizontal bar connecting portions of a chemical structure. Enter as {_3]}. For example, if the inkprint shows H-O, enter as {,h_3],o}.

Bond, single vertical (chem)

See note under Chemistry. A vertical bar connecting portions of a chemical structure. Enter as {_}. Be careful with spatial arrangments. Use Spacing same style and the control-B blank character to line things up in MegaDots.

Bond, triple horizontal (chem)

See note under Chemistry. A triple horizontal bar connecting portions of a chemical structure. Enter as {_=]}.

Bond, triple vertical (chem)

See note under Chemistry. A triple vertical bar connecting portions of a chemical structure. Enter as {___}. Be careful with spatial arrangments. Use Spacing same style and the control-B blank character to line things up in MegaDots.


Symbol of enclosure that looks like this: {xxx}. They are also known as curly brace; open and close braces are entered with {.(} and {.)}.

Brace, left curly

Looks like {xx. Entered in Exact Translation as: {.(}

Brace, left enlarged curly

Looks like {xx (only bigger). Entered in Exact Translation as: {.,(}

Brace, right curly

Looks like xx}. Entered in Exact Translation as: {.)}

Brace, right enlarged curly

Looks like xx} (only bigger). Entered in Exact Translation as: {.,)}


Looks like [xx]. Symbol of enclosure, also known as square bracket; open and close brackets are entered with {@(} and {@)}.

Bracket, boldface left square

Looks like [xx. Entered in Exact Translation as: {_@(}

Bracket, boldface right square

Looks like xx]. Entered in Exact Translation as: {_@)}

Bracket, enlarged left square

Looks like [xx (only bigger). Entered in Exact Translation as: {@,(}

Bracket, enlarged right square

Looks like xx] (only bigger). Entered in Exact Translation as: {@,)}

Bracket, left angle

Looks like <xx. Entered in Exact Translation as: {..(}

Bracket, left square

Looks like [xx. Entered in Exact Translation as: {@(}

Bracket, right angle

Looks like xx>. Entered in Exact Translation as: {..)}

Bracket, right square

Looks like xx]. Entered in Exact Translation as: {@)}


Often a fraction is shown with different factors crossed off on both the numerator and the denominator. This is cancellation. To show that something is cancelled start with {[} and end with {]}. For example, to show "xyz with y and z with individual slashes, enter {x[y][z]}.


Capitalization is done the same in Nemeth Code as in standard braille. It is entered in Exact Translation as: {,}. If there are other symbols modifying a letter (German letter, etc.), the capitalization indicator goes next to the letter. The order for indicators is: typefont indicator, alphabet indicator, capitalization indicator, followed by letter. In a math expression, avoid using the double capitalization sign (two dot 6's). Instead use the single capitalization marker for each letter. Example: triangle ABC is written as {$t ,a,b,c}

Capitalization indicator, double

Entered in Exact Translation as: {,,}


Entered in Exact Translation as: {_<}

Caret over equals sign

Entered in Exact Translation as: {".k<_<]}

Caret over horizontal bar

Entered in Exact Translation as: {":<_<]}

Caret under equals sign

Entered in Exact Translation as: {".k%_<]}

Caret under horizontal bar

Entered in Exact Translation as: {":%_<]}

Caret, inverted

Entered in Exact Translation as: {_%}

Caret, inverted over equals sign

Entered in Exact Translation as: {".k<_%]}

Caret, left

Entered in Exact Translation as: {;<}

Caret, left-pointing over equals sign

Entered in Exact Translation as: {".k<;<]}

Caret, right

Entered in Exact Translation as: {;%}

Caret, right-pointing over equals sign

Entered in Exact Translation as: {".k<;%]}

Cent sign

Entered in Exact Translation as: {@c}

Check mark

Entered in Exact Translation as: {@>}


Chemistry is barely mentioned in the Nemeth Code Book. If you are producing chemistry material, there is a supplement called Chemistry in Braille, 1991, which is available from the National Braille Association. The address is at the top of this document under Data Entry.


Chi is a Greek letter. Entered as Alt-G c for lower case or Alt-G C for upper case. In braille, the lower case chi is {.&} and the upper case chi is {.,&}


Entered in Exact Translation as: {$c}


Entered in Exact Translation as: {_<}

Close brace

Looks like xx}. Entered as {.)}. See brace.

Close bracket

Looks like xx]. Entered as {@)}. See bracket.

Close parenthesis

Entered as {)}. See parenthesis.


Entered in Exact Translation as: {_3}. Just use a colon outside of exact translation. See MegaDots translation.

Comma, literary

Just use a comma outside of exact translation. If you have to use exact translation, you probably have a mathematical comma. See comma, mathematical and MegaDots translation.

Comma, mathematical

A mathematical comma is used Entered in Exact Translation as: {,}. Just use a comma outside of exact translation. See MegaDots translation.

Comma, mathematical at subscript or superscript level

Entered in Exact Translation as: {[}

Complex fraction

A fraction of a fraction. Show the start, middle and end of a complex fraction with {,?}, {,/}, and {,#}.

Complex-fraction indicator, closing

Entered in Exact Translation as: {,#}

Complex-fraction indicator, opening

Entered in Exact Translation as: {,?}

Complex-fraction line

Entered in Exact Translation as: {,/}

Contained in

Looks like a stretched letter c (or a sideways u wi the opening to the right). Entered in Exact Translation as: {_"k}


Looks like a stretched backwards letter c (or a sideways u with the opening to the left). Entered in Exact Translation as: {_.1}

Cross product

Looks like a centered x. Entered in Exact Translation as: {@*}

Crossed d

Entered in Exact Translation as: {@$}

Crossed h

Entered in Exact Translation as: {@h}

Crossed lambda

Entered in Exact Translation as: {@.l}

Crossed R

Entered in Exact Translation as: {@,r}


The symbol which looks like a number sign. Entered in Exact Translation as: {.#}

Cube root of

An index of radical value of three, shown in inkprint as an elevated 3 followed by the inkprint radical sign, entered as {<3>}. See also terminate cube root.


A superscript of 3, entered as any character followed by {^3}. Compare with superscript and squared.


Entered in Exact Translation as: {_]}

Dagger, double

Entered in Exact Translation as: {__]}


Entered in Exact Translation as: {--}

Dash, long

Entered in Exact Translation as: {----}

Decimal point

If you have a number outside of exact translation (i.e. an isolated number or part of an arithmetic problem), you do not have to worry about numbers or decimal points. The translator will handle it appropriately. See MegaDots translation. If a number occurs inside of exact translation, use the numeric indicator if the number comes after a space, new paragraph, or a punctuation. See numeric indicator. A decimal point in Exact Translation as: {.}


A hollow dot in the superscript position. You can enter this inside or outside of exact translation. Inside of exact translation, write 90 degrees as entered as {#90^.*}. Outside of exact translation, just type 90 Alt-plus sign d (Alt-plus sign d selects a degree sign from the punctuation menu.

Degree sign over equals sign

Entered in Exact Translation as: {".k<.*]}


Looks like an upside down triangle. Entered in Exact Translation as: {.$}

Del, boldface

Looks like a bold upside down triangle. Entered in Exact Translation as: {_.$}


Greek letter d, entered as Alt-G d for lower case or Alt-G D for upper case. In braille, the lower case delta is {.d} and the upper case delta is {.,d}

Diagonal line

Entered in Exact Translation as: {_/}


See numeral and numeric indicator.

Directly over indicator (first order)

Entered in Exact Translation as: {<}. To modify the expression xxx to place yy above it, enter {"xxx<yy]} (the dot 5 is the multipurpose indicator, showing a modified expression. The dots 1-2-6 shows that the following material is above. The dots 1-2-4-5-6 is the termination sign, showing that the modified expression is over. See also start modified expression, modified expression, below, and terminate modified expression; contrast with superscript.

Directly-under indicator (first order)

Entered in Exact Translation as: {%}. Precedes material that will be printed directly under other material, entered as the directly-under indicator {%} within a modified expression. To modify the expression xxx to place yy below it, enter {"xxx%yy]} (the dot 5 is the multipurpose indicator, showing a modified expression. The dots 1-4-6 shows that the following material is below. The dots 1-2-4-5-6 is the termination sign, showing that the modified expression is over. See also start modified expression and terminate modified expression; contrast with subscript.

Ditto mark

Looks like a double quote symbol. Entered in Exact Translation as: {,'}

Divided by

The symbol looks like a hyphen with a dots above and a dot below. It is the symbol used in arithmetic to show division, enter in Exact Translation as: {./}. Outside of exact translation, enter as backslash hyphen colon. \-: See also arithmetic.

Division sign

See divided by.

Dollar sign

Entered in Exact Translation as: {@s}


A centered dot which often represents multiplication, entered as {*}.

Dot end of arrow

Entered in Exact Translation as: {*}

Dot over and dot under equals sign

Entered in Exact Translation as: {".k%*<*]}

Dot over equals sign

Entered in Exact Translation as: {".k<*]}

Dot under horizontal bar

Entered in Exact Translation as: {":%*]}

Dot under tilde

Entered in Exact Translation as: {"@:%*]}

Double prime

Two angled strokes, entered as {''}. See also prime.

Double tilde

Two wavy horizontal lines stacked vertically, entered as {@:@:}. Often means approximately equal to. Compare with tilde.

Electron Dot Diagrams

These are beyond the scope of this guide. If you are producing chemistry material, there is a supplement called Chemistry in Braille, 1991, which is available from the National Braille Association. The address is at the top of this document under Data Entry.

Element of

Entered in Exact Translation as: {@e}

Ellipse or oval

Entered in Exact Translation as: {$e}


Entered in Exact Translation as: {'''}

Empty set

Looks like zero with a slash through it. Entered in Exact Translation as: {@_0}

End fraction

Follows the denominator material and implies a return to the vertical position before the fraction. Entered as {#} when preceded by start fraction indicator and fraction line. See also complex and hypercomplex.

English letter indicator, boldface

Entered in Exact Translation as: {_;}. The order for indicators is: typefont indicator, alphabet indicator, capitalization indicator, followed by letter.

English letter indicator, uppercase boldface

Entered in Exact Translation as: {_;,}. The order for indicators is: typefont indicator, alphabet indicator, capitalization indicator, followed by letter.

English Letter Sign.

Letters are the same as Nemeth Code as in standard braille. In standard braille, dots 5-6 is called the letter sign. The letter sign is used to show that something is uncontracted. For example, "letter sign b" means just a b, not the word "but". In Nemeth Code, dots 5-6 plays a similar role, but goes by the name of the English Letter Sign. The English letter sign is used in places where you need a letter sign in regular braille. Also use it when letters are shown in a different typefont. For example AX (AX in boldface) is {_;,a_;,x} (dots 4-5-6 for boldface, then the English letter sign, then the capitalization sign, then the letter). The order for indicators is: typefont indicator, alphabet indicator, capitalization indicator, followed by letter.

The rules for the use and non-use of the English letter sign are actually quite complex. See the Nemeth Code book for the full story.


Greek letter e, entered as Alt-G e for lower case or Alt-G E for upper case. In braille, the lower case elsolon is {.e} and the upper case epsilon is {.,e}

Equals sign

Entered in Exact Translation as: { .k }. As with all symbols of comparison, leave a space on either side of it. But leave out the space near a grouping symbol (parenthesis, braces or brackets), or any punctuation which applies to the sign of comparison. See also arithmetic.

Equals sign below it

An equals sign below a sign of comparison, entered by placing {.k} after a sign of comparison.

Equals sign above

An equals sign above a sign of comparison. Entered as placing {.k} before a sign of comparison.

Equals over and bar under logical sum

Entered in Exact Translation as: {.k@+:}

Equals sign over and bar under logical product

Entered in Exact Translation as: {.k@%:}

Equals sign over and equals sign under logical product

Entered in Exact Translation as: {.k@%.k}

Equals sign over and equals sign under logical sum

Entered in Exact Translation as: {.k@+.k}

Equals sign over double tilde

Entered in Exact Translation as: {.k@:@:}

Equals sign over greater than sign

Entered in Exact Translation as: {.k.1}

Equals sign over inclusion

Entered in Exact Translation as: {.k_"k}

Equals sign over less than sign

Entered in Exact Translation as: {.k"k}

Equals sign over logical product

Entered in Exact Translation as: {.k@%}

Equals sign over logical sum

Entered in Exact Translation as: {.k@+}

Equals sign over reverse inclusion

Entered in Exact Translation as: {.k_.1}

Equals sign over tilde

Entered in Exact Translation as: {.k@:}

Equals sign under

An equals sign below a sign of comparison, entered by placing {.k} after a sign of comparison.

Equals sign under double tilde

Entered in Exact Translation as: {@:@:.k}

Equals sign under greater than

Entered in Exact Translation as: {.1.k}

Equals sign under inclusion sign

Entered in Exact Translation as: {_"k.k}

Equals sign under intersection

Entered in Exact Translation as: {.%.k}

Equals sign under logical product

Entered in Exact Translation as: {@%.k}

Equals sign under logical sum

Entered in Exact Translation as: {@+.k}

Equals sign under reverse inclusion sign

Entered in Exact Translation as: {_.1.k}

Equals sign under tilde

Entered in Exact Translation as: {@:.k}

Equals sign under union sign

Entered in Exact Translation as: {.+.k}

Equals sign, boldface

Entered in Exact Translation as: {_.k}


Entered in Exact Translation as: {@<,<}

Eta (Greek letter)

Eta is a Greek letter. It is entered as Alt-G h for lower case or Alt-G H for upper case. In braille, the lower case eta is {.:} and the upper case eta is {.,:}.

Exclamation mark

Entered in Exact Translation as: {_6}. Just use an exclamation mark outside of exact translation. See MegaDots translation. If the exclamation follows a number or is used in a mathematical context, it might be a factorial. See factorial.

Existential quantifier

Looks like a backwards uppercase e. Entered in Exact Translation as: {@=}


An exponent is the power that something is raised to. It is written as a superscript. For example, x with an exponent of 5 is written as x with a superscript of 5. In Nemeth Code, use dots 4-5 to show a superscript. To come back from the baseline, use either a space or a dot 5. To write "x to the exponent of 5", enter {x^5}. To write "x squared plus y squared", enter {x^2"+y^2}. See also superscript and baseline.


Looks like an exclamation mark. Entered in Exact Translation as: {&}. For example "6 factorial" is entered {#6&}


Entered in Exact Translation as: {'}. Just use an single quote outside of exact translation. See MegaDots translation.

For every

Looks like an upside down uppercase A. Entered in Exact Translation as: {@&}

For exactly one

Looks like a backwards uppercase E followed by a vertical line. Entered in Exact Translation as: {@=\}

For some

Looks like a backwards uppercase E. Entered in Exact Translation as: {@=}

Fraction indicator, closing simple

Entered in Exact Translation as: {#}


To write the fraction 1/5, enter as {?1/5#} (in other words, write the fraction in exact translation the way that is natural using the ASCII keyboard, use the "th" sign to start a fraction, the "st" sign for the fraction bar, and the "ble" sign to end the fraction.

Because of the ambiguity involved, you cannot use contractions inside a fraction. So if you need to inclose the word "distance" in the fraction, you need to write the word in grade one.

Fraction line

Indicates end of numerator material and beginning of denominator material. Shown in inkprint as a horizontal line slightly longer than the longest sign in numerator or denominator. Entered as {/} when preceded by start fraction indicator and followed by end fraction indicator. See also complex and hypercomplex.


Examples of function names are "sin" and "cos". Do not contract a function name. Always leave a space after a function name.


Greek letter g, entered as Alt-G g for lower case or Alt-G G for upper case. In braille, the lower case gamma is {.g} and the upper case gamma is {.,g}.

German letter indicator

Entered in Exact Translation as: {_}. The order for indicators is: typefont indicator, alphabet indicator, capitalization indicator, followed by letter.

German letter indicator, uppercase

Entered in Exact Translation as: {_,}. The order for indicators is: typefont indicator, alphabet indicator, capitalization indicator, followed by letter.


Looks like upside down triangle. Entered in Exact Translation as: {.$}

Greater than sign

Entered in Exact Translation as: {.1}. As with all symbols of comparison, leave a space on either side of it. But leave out the space near a grouping symbol (parenthesis, braces or brackets), or any punctuation which applies to the sign of comparison.

Greater than sign followed by equals sign followed by less than sign

Entered in Exact Translation as: {.1".k""k}

Greater than sign followed by less than sign

Entered in Exact Translation as: {.1""k}

Greater than sign nested with greater than sign

Entered in Exact Translation as: {.1@.1]}

Greek letter indicator

Entered in Exact Translation as: {.}. The order for indicators is: typefont indicator, alphabet indicator, capitalization indicator, followed by letter.

Greek letter indicator, uppercase

Entered in Exact Translation as: {.,}. The order for indicators is: typefont indicator, alphabet indicator, capitalization indicator, followed by letter.

Half-bracket, lower left

Entered in Exact Translation as: {@;(}

Half-bracket, lower right

Entered in Exact Translation as: {@;)}

Half-bracket, upper left

Entered in Exact Translation as: {@^(}

Half-bracket, upper right

Entered in Exact Translation as: {@^)}

Hebrew letter indicator

Entered in Exact Translation as: {,,}. The order for indicators is: typefont indicator, alphabet indicator, capitalization indicator, followed by letter.

Hebrew aleph

Entered in Exact Translation as: {,,a}

Hebrew bet

Entered in Exact Translation as: {,,b}

Hollow dot

A centered small circle, entered as {.*}. Also see degree.

Hollow dot end of arrow

Entered in Exact Translation as: {.*}

Horizontal bar

Entered in Exact Translation as: {:}

Horizontal bar below it

A horizontal bar below a sign of comparison, entered by placing {:} after a sign of comparison.

Horizontal bar above

A horizontal bar above a sign of comparison. Entered as {:} before a sign of comparison.

Horizontal double bond

A Chemistry symbol. Entered in Exact Translation as: {_7]}

Horizontal single bond

A Chemistry symbol. Entered in Exact Translation as: {_3]}

Horizontal solid bond

A Chemistry symbol. Entered in Exact Translation as: {_g]}

Horizontal triple bond

A Chemistry symbol. Entered in Exact Translation as: {_=]}

Hypercomplex fraction

A fraction of a fraction of a fraction. See complex fraction. Entered as {,,?}, {,,/}, and {,,#}.

Hypercomplex-fraction indicator, opening

Entered in Exact Translation as: {,,?}

Hypercomplex-fraction line

Entered in Exact Translation as: {,,/}


Entered in Exact Translation as: {-}

Identical with

Looks like 3 horizontal lines (equal sign with extra horizontal stroke). Entered in Exact Translation as: {_l}


Looks like 3 horizontal lines (equal sign with extra horizontal stroke). Entered in Exact Translation as: {_l}


Entered in Exact Translation as: {''}. Just use two single quotes outside of exact translation. See MegaDots translation.

Inclusion sign

Looks like a stretched letter c (or a sideways u wi the opening to the right). Entered in Exact Translation as: {_"k}

Index of radical

Precedes the value defining which mathematical root is being extracted from a radical. Shown in inkprint as an elevated value followed by the inkprint radical sign, entered as {<}. See cube root and terminate radical.


Looks like a sideways number 8. Entered in Exact Translation as: {,=}

Inner radical

A radical inside a radical, entered by {.} placed before one of the following: {>}, {]}, or {<}.


An infinite sum represented by a tall, thin, stylized S; entered by {!}. To write "the integral from 0 to 1 of x squared dx" enter {!;0^1 x^2 dx}

Integral with superimposed circle

Entered in Exact Translation as: {!@$c]}

Integral with superimposed infinity

Entered in Exact Translation as: {!@,=]}

Integral with superimposed rectangle

Entered in Exact Translation as: {!@$r]}

Integral with superimposed square

Entered in Exact Translation as: {!@$4]}

Integral, double

Entered in Exact Translation as: {!!}

Integral, lower

Entered in Exact Translation as: {"!%:]}

Integral, triple

Entered in Exact Translation as: {!!!}

Integral, upper

Entered in Exact Translation as: {"!<:]}

Intersection sign

Looks like a large upside down u. Entered in Exact Translation as: {.%}


Greek letter i, entered as Alt-G i for lower case or Alt-G I for upper case. In braille, the lower case iota is {.i} and the upper case iota is {.,i}.

It does not follow

Looks like a slash followed by three dots: 1 dot above 2 dots. Entered in Exact Translation as: {/,*}


Italics is a typefont indicator. It is used for inkprint letters that are placed on a slant. Enter a italics capital x as {.;,x}. The order for indicators is: typefont indicator, alphabet indicator, capitalization indicator, followed by letter.


Greek letter k, entered as Alt-G k for lower case or Alt-G K for upper case. In braille, the lower case kappa is {.k} and the upper case kappa is {.,k}.


Obsolete Greek letter entered as {.q}.


Greek letter l, entered as Alt-G l for lower case or Alt-G L for upper case. In braille, the lower case lambda is {.l} and the upper case lambda is {.,l}.

Lambda, crossed

Entered in Exact Translation as: {@.l}

Large compared with

Entered in Exact Translation as: {.1@.1]}

Left arrow head

Entered in Exact Translation as: {[}

Less than or equal to

Entered in Exact Translation as: {"k.k}

Less than sign

Entered in Exact Translation as: {"k}. As with all symbols of comparison, leave a space on either side of it. But leave out the space near a grouping symbol (parenthesis, braces or brackets), or any punctuation which applies to the sign of comparison.

Less than sign followed by equals sign followed by greater than sign

Entered in Exact Translation as: {"k".k".1}

Less than sign followed by greater than sign

Entered in Exact Translation as: {"k".1}

Less than sign nested with less than sign

Entered in Exact Translation as: {"k@"k]}


Letters are the same as Nemeth Code as in standard braille. In standard braille, dots 5-6 is called the letter sign. The letter sign is used to show that something is uncontracted. For example, "letter sign b" means just a b, not the word "but". In Nemeth Code, dots 5-6 plays a similar role, but goes by the name of the English Letter Sign. The English letter sign is used in places where you need a letter sign in regular braille. Also use it when letters are shown in a different typefont. For example AX (AX in boldface) is {_;,a_;,x} (dots 4-5-6 for boldface, then the English letter sign, then the capitalization sign, then the letter). The order for indicators is: typefont indicator, alphabet indicator, capitalization indicator, followed by letter.

The rules for the use and non-use of the English letter sign are actually quite complex. See the Nemeth Code book for the full story.

Linear Format

Linear format means you are writing out the mathematics as a single stream. Contrast with spatial format which tries to give a sense of the inkprint layout of fractions or arithmetic problems. Linear format is easy to do in MegaDots. Convert the mathematics into a verbal stream. Then apply the symbols in that order.

Logical product

Entered in Exact Translation as: {@%}

Logical sum

Entered in Exact Translation as: {@+}

Lower limit

Written as lim or limit with an underbar. Entered in Exact Translation as: {%lim} or {%limit}


Entered in Exact Translation as: {:}

MegaDots translation

With MegaDots, all Nemeth sequences need to be entered in exact translation. You can enter the sequences in the inkprint mode, then mark the sequences in a block, and then enter Control-T X. Or you may prefer to first type Control-X to start a block, then enter the sequence, and then enter Control-T X. MegaDots allows both approaches.

When the Translation Standard in your document is set to M for Math (Nemeth), then MegaDots properly handles numbers, punctuation, and parenthesis that are outside of the exact translation. In addition, the regular translator knows how to handle simple arithmetic problems. See arithmetic.


Entered in Exact Translation as: {@e}

Membership, reverse

Entered in Exact Translation as: {@5}


Entered in Exact Translation as: {-}. See also arithmetic.

Minus or plus

Entered in Exact Translation as: {-+}

Minus, boldface

Entered in Exact Translation as: {_-}

Minus, boldface followed by boldface plus

Entered in Exact Translation as: {_-"_+}

Minus, boldface followed by regular plus

Entered in Exact Translation as: {_-"+}

Minus, regular followed by boldface plus

Entered in Exact Translation as: {-"_+}

Minus, regular followed by regular plus

Entered in Exact Translation as: {-"+}


Entered in Exact Translation as: {'}. Just use an single quote outside of exact translation. See MegaDots translation.

Modified expression

A modified expression is a math symbol with something above it or below it (or both) To write a modified expression (with something above and below), start with a dot 5, followed by the modified symbol, followed by the "sh" sign, followed by the stuff below, followed by the "ar" sign, followed by the stuff above followed by the "er" sign. The dot 5 tells the reader that the expression is being modified, the "sh" is the "directly under", the "ar" is the "directly over", and the "er" is the termination to show that the whole expression is finished. The "er" sign is also used to terminate a square root. See modified expression, start, modified expression, terminate, directly over and directly under.

To write "the summation from n equals 1 to 50 of the fraction 1 over 2 to the nth power end fraction" enter as follows: {".,s%n .k #1>#50] ?1/2^n"#} (the {.,s} is the summation sign).

Modified expression, start

Entered in Exact Translation as: {"}

Modified expression, terminate

Entered in Exact Translation as: {]}


Greek letter m, entered as Alt-G m for lower case or Alt-G M for upper case. In braille, the lower case mu is {.m} and the upper case mu is {.,m}.

Multiplication sign

If the symbol looks like a centered x or cross, enter in Exact Translation as: {@*}. Outside of exact translation, enter as backslash x. See arithmetic.

If the symbol looks like a centered dot, enter in Exact Translation as: {*}.

Multipurpose indicator

Entered in Exact Translation as: {"}. Used in to contexts: to take you back to the baseline or to start a modified expression. See baseline and modified expression.


Looks like upside down triangle. Entered in Exact Translation as: {.$}

Not parallel to

Entered in Exact Translation as: {/$l}

Not perpendicular to

Entered in Exact Translation as: {/$p}


Greek letter n, entered as Alt-G n for lower case or Alt-G N for upper case. In braille, the lower case nu is {.n} and the upper case nu is {.,n}.


Numbers are done as Nemeth numbers, or dropped a-j. The numeric indicator {#} is used after a space or the beginning of a new line, or after a punctuation mark.

The complete rules for the use and non-use of the numeric indicator are actually quite complex. They boil down to this: the same symbols are used for digits as punctuation. In places where numbers might be confused with punctuation, use a numeric indicator.

While MegaDots does not have a full Nemeth translator, it does know how to translate numbers in Nemeth Code. See MegaDots translation. If the number is isolated or part of an arithmetic problem, you can leave it outside of exact translation. If numbers are not written inside of exact translation, then MegaDots uses the rules built into the Math braille standard to render them into braille. While not perfect, this does a satisfactory job. For example, if "2+2 = 4" appears in the text, just leave it alone. MegaDots will properly translate this into {#2+2 .k #4}. See arithmetic.

If the number is part of something more complex, enter it in exact translation. For example, to enter x cubed, type {x^3}. Remember to use the numeric indicator if the number is right after a space or punctuation.

Numeric Indicator

If you have a number outside of exact translation (i.e. an isolated number or part of an arithmetic problem), you do not have to worry about the numeric indicator. The translator will use it appropriately. If a number occurs inside of exact translation, use the numeric indicator if the number comes after a space, new paragraph, or a punctuation. Entered in Exact Translation as: {.#}

Numeral 0

If you have a number outside of exact translation (i.e. an isolated number or part of an arithmetic problem), you do not have to worry about numbers. The translator will handle it appropriately. See MegaDots translation. If a number occurs inside of exact translation, use the numeric indicator if the number comes after a space, new paragraph, or a punctuation. See numeric indicator. Entered in Exact Translation as: {0}

Numeral 1

If you have a number outside of exact translation (i.e. an isolated number or part of an arithmetic problem), you do not have to worry about numbers. The translator will handle it appropriately. See MegaDots translation. If a number occurs inside of exact translation, use the numeric indicator if the number comes after a space, new paragraph, or a punctuation. See numeric indicator. Entered in Exact Translation as: {1}

Numeral 2

If you have a number outside of exact translation (i.e. an isolated number or part of an arithmetic problem), you do not have to worry about numbers. The translator will handle it appropriately. See MegaDots translation. If a number occurs inside of exact translation, use the numeric indicator if the number comes after a space, new paragraph, or a punctuation. See numeric indicator. Entered in Exact Translation as: {2}

Numeral 3

If you have a number outside of exact translation (i.e. an isolated number or part of an arithmetic problem), you do not have to worry about numbers. The translator will handle it appropriately. See MegaDots translation. If a number occurs inside of exact translation, use the numeric indicator if the number comes after a space, new paragraph, or a punctuation. See numeric indicator. Entered in Exact Translation as: {3}

Numeral 4

If you have a number outside of exact translation (i.e. an isolated number or part of an arithmetic problem), you do not have to worry about numbers. The translator will handle it appropriately. See MegaDots translation. If a number occurs inside of exact translation, use the numeric indicator if the number comes after a space, new paragraph, or a punctuation. See numeric indicator. Entered in Exact Translation as: {4}

Numeral 5

If you have a number outside of exact translation (i.e. an isolated number or part of an arithmetic problem), you do not have to worry about numbers. The translator will handle it appropriately. See MegaDots translation. If a number occurs inside of exact translation, use the numeric indicator if the number comes after a space, new paragraph, or a punctuation. See numeric indicator. Entered in Exact Translation as: {5}

Numeral 6

If you have a number outside of exact translation (i.e. an isolated number or part of an arithmetic problem), you do not have to worry about numbers. The translator will handle it appropriately. See MegaDots translation. If a number occurs inside of exact translation, use the numeric indicator if the number comes after a space, new paragraph, or a punctuation. See numeric indicator. Entered in Exact Translation as: {6}

Numeral 7

If you have a number outside of exact translation (i.e. an isolated number or part of an arithmetic problem), you do not have to worry about numbers. The translator will handle it appropriately. See MegaDots translation. If a number occurs inside of exact translation, use the numeric indicator if the number comes after a space, new paragraph, or a punctuation. See numeric indicator. Entered in Exact Translation as: {7}

Numeral 8

If you have a number outside of exact translation (i.e. an isolated number or part of an arithmetic problem), you do not have to worry about numbers. The translator will handle it appropriately. See MegaDots translation. If a number occurs inside of exact translation, use the numeric indicator if the number comes after a space, new paragraph, or a punctuation. See numeric indicator. Entered in Exact Translation as: {8}

Numeral 9

If you have a number outside of exact translation (i.e. an isolated number or part of an arithmetic problem), you do not have to worry about numbers. The translator will handle it appropriately. See MegaDots translation. If a number occurs inside of exact translation, use the numeric indicator if the number comes after a space, new paragraph, or a punctuation. See numeric indicator. Entered in Exact Translation as: {9}

Numeric indicator, boldface

Entered in Exact Translation as: {_#}

Oblique double bond (lower left to upper right)

A Chemistry symbol. Entered in Exact Translation as: {_//}

Oblique double bond (upper left to lower right)

A Chemistry symbol. Entered in Exact Translation as: {_**}

Oblique single bond (lower left to upper right)

A Chemistry symbol. Entered in Exact Translation as: {_/}

Oblique single bond (upper left to lower right)

A Chemistry symbol. Entered in Exact Translation as: {_*}


A Greek letter. It is entered as Alt-G w for lower case or Alt-G W for upper case. In braille, the lower case omega is {.w} and the upper case omega is {.,w}.


Greek letter o, entered as Alt-G o for lower case or Alt-G O for upper case. In braille, the lower case omicron is {.o} and the upper case omicron is {.,o}.

Omission sign

Often represented in inkprint as a question mark. Entered as {=} in exact translation. Outside of exact translation, enter as backslash question mark. See MegaDots translation.

Open brace

Looks like {xx. Entered as {.(}. See brace.

Open bracket

Looks like [xx. Entered as {@(}. See bracket.

Open parenthesis

Entered as {(}. See parenthesis.

Opening simple-fraction indicator

Entered in Exact Translation as: {?}


Entered in Exact Translation as: {$e}


A horizontal bar placed over a character, entered by placing {:} after a character. For example, x with overbar is entered by {x:}. To put an overbar over more than one character, use a modified expression. For example "xyz with overbar" is entered as {"xyz:]} see also modified expression and terminate overbar expression.

Paragraph mark

An inkprint sign like an uppercase P with two parallel vertical strokes, entered as {@,p}.

Parallel to

Two parallel vertical lines, entered as {$l}.


Open and close parenthesis are entered with {(} and {)}.

Parenthesis, left enlarged

Entered in Exact Translation as: {,(}

Parenthesis, right enlarged

Entered in Exact Translation as: {,)}

Partial derivative

Entered in Exact Translation as: {@d}

Percent sign

Entered in Exact Translation as: {@0}


Entered in Exact Translation as: {_4}. Just use a period outside of exact translation. See MegaDots translation.

Perpendicular to

Inkprint sign like upside down uppercase T, entered as {$p}.


A Greek letter. It is entered as Alt-G f for lower case or Alt-G F for upper case. In braille, the lower case phi is {.f} and the upper case phi is {.,f}. There is an alternate form of phi which is entered in Exact Translation as: {.@f}.


Greek letter p, entered as Alt-G p for lower case or Alt-G P for upper case. In braille, the lower case pi is {.p} and the upper case omicron is {.,p}. Pi often represents the quantity 3.14159...


Entered in Exact Translation as: {+}. See also arithmetic.

Plus or minus

Entered in Exact Translation as: {+-}

Plus, boldface

Entered in Exact Translation as: {_+}

Plus, boldface followed by boldface minus

Entered in Exact Translation as: {_+"_-}

Plus, boldface followed by regular minus

Entered in Exact Translation as: {_+"-}

Plus, regular followed by boldface minus

Entered in Exact Translation as: {+"_-}

Plus, regular followed by regular minus

Entered in Exact Translation as: {+"-}


The decimal point, entered as {.}.


Entered in Exact Translation as: {.#}

Pounds Sterling

An inkprint symbol used to represent English currency, entered as {@l}.


An angled stroke; often used to represent minutes or feet, entered as {'}. See also double prime.

Prime, double

Entered in Exact Translation as: {''}

Prime, triple

Entered in Exact Translation as: {'''}


An inkprint symbol consisting of an enlarged capital pi, entered as {.,p}. Some symbols, such as the product sign have math symbols above and below them. In Nemeth Code terminology, the product sign is modified by having something directly-over and something directly-under.

To write a modified expression, start with a dot 5, followed by the modified symbol, followed by the "sh" sign, followed by the stuff below, followed by the "ar" sign, followed by the stuff above followed by the "er" sign. The dot 5 tells the reader that the expression is being modified, the "sh" is the "directly under", the "ar" is the "directly over", and the "er" is the termination to show that the whole expression is finished. The "er" sign is also used to terminate a square root.

To write "the product from n equals 2 to 10 of the fraction 1 over 2 to the nth power end fraction" enter as follows: {".,p%n .k #2>#10] ?1/2^n"#} (the {.,p} is the product sign).

Proper difference

Entered in Exact Translation as: {.-}

Proportion sign

Entered in Exact Translation as: {;2}


A Greek letter. It is entered as Alt-G y for lower case or Alt-G Y for upper case. In braille, the lower case psi is {.y} and the upper case psi is {.,y}.


The braille for punctuation is the same as in standard grade two braille. The major problem is that the same symbols are used for digits. The digit 1 could be confused with comma, the digit 2 could be confused with semi-colon, the digit 3 could be confused with colon, the digit 4 could be confused with period, the digit 6 could be confused with exclamation, and the digit 8 could be confused with question mark. To remove ambiguity, the punctuation indicator (dots 4-5-6) {_} is used before punctuation to show that it is indeed a punctuation mark.

Parenthesis is done differently in Nemeth. Use the "of" sign for open parenthesis, and the "with" sign for close parenthesis.

If punctuation are not written inside of exact translation, then MegaDots uses the rules built into the Math braille standard to render them into braille. While not perfect, this does a satisfactory job. For example, if a period after a sentence does not get a punctuation indicator, but a period after a number does get one. The MegaDots translator also gets parenthesis right. See MegaDots translation.

Question mark

Entered in Exact Translation as: {_8}. Just use a question mark outside of exact translation. See MegaDots translation. If the question mark shows a missing answer, this is an omission sign. See omission sign.

Question mark over equals sign

Entered in Exact Translation as: {".k<_8]}

Quote, closing

Entered in Exact Translation as: {_0}. Just use a quote outside of exact translation. See MegaDots translation.

Quote, closing inner

Entered in Exact Translation as: {_0'}. Just use a quote outside of exact translation. See MegaDots translation.

Quote, open

Entered in Exact Translation as: {_8}. Just use a quote outside of exact translation. See MegaDots translation.

Quote, open inner

Entered in Exact Translation as: {_,8}. Just use a quote outside of exact translation. See MegaDots translation.


An inkprint mathematical symbol that shows a mathematical root. See square root of, terminate square root, cube root of, terminate cube root, index of radical, of, and terminate radical.

Radical indicator, first inner

Entered in Exact Translation as: {.}

Radical indicator, second inner

Entered in Exact Translation as: {..}

Radical indicator, third inner

Entered in Exact Translation as: {...}

Radical, terminate

Entered in Exact Translation as: {]}

Ratio sign

Entered in Exact Translation as: {"1}


Entered in Exact Translation as: {$r}

Reference indicator, general

Entered in Exact Translation as: {@]}

Reverse inclusion sign

Looks like a backwards stretched c (or a sideways u with the opening to the left). Entered in Exact Translation as: {_.1}


Greek letter r, entered as Alt-G r for lower case or Alt-G R for upper case. In braille, the lower case rho is {.r} and the upper case rho is {.,r}.

Right arrow (contracted form)

Entered in Exact Translation as: {$o}

Roman letter

See English Letter sign.

Russian letter indicator

Entered in Exact Translation as: {@@}. The order for indicators is: typefont indicator, alphabet indicator, capitalization indicator, followed by letter.


An obsolete Greek letter, entered as {.c}.


Sanserif is a typefont indicator. The sanserif indicator is {,.}. Enter a sanserif capital x as: {,.;,x}. The order for indicators is: typefont indicator, alphabet indicator, capitalization indicator, followed by letter.

Script typefont English letter

Entered in Exact Translation as: {@;}. The order for indicators is: typefont indicator, alphabet indicator, capitalization indicator, followed by letter.

Script typefont English letter, uppercase

Entered in Exact Translation as: {@;,}. The order for indicators is: typefont indicator, alphabet indicator, capitalization indicator, followed by letter.


Entered in Exact Translation as: {''}. Just use an two single quote outside of exact translation. See MegaDots translation.

Section mark

Entered in Exact Translation as: {@,s}

Section mark, double

Entered in Exact Translation as: {@,s@,s}


Entered in Exact Translation as: {_2}. Just use a semicolon outside of exact translation. See MegaDots translation.

Shape indicator

Entered in Exact Translation as: {$}


Greek letter s, entered as Alt-G s for lower case or Alt-G S for upper case. In braille, the lower case sigma is {.s} and the upper case sigma is {.,s}. There is an alternative form of sigma which is entered in Exact Translation as: {.@s}.


Looks like three dots, 2 above one dot. Entered in Exact Translation as: {@/}


An inkprint diagonal line from the lower left to the upper right, entered as {_/}.

Small compared with

Entered in Exact Translation as: {"k@"k]}

Spatial Format

Spatial format uses the layout to show the rough layout of fractions or arithemetic problems. Contrast with linear format. Spatial arrangements are difficult to do in MegaDots. You need to know exactly what you are aiming for. You can set the style for Left flush, and then type in arithmetic problems roughly how they look in inkprint. Do not use spaces. Instead, type Control-B. This is a MegaDots command called "the blank character". It is an unyielding space.

When you translate into braille, insert or delete these blank characters until the columns are aligned (by digits, decimal points, or by commas), space the symbol of operation away from the number. Use a row of hyphens for the horizontal bar. The horizontal bar should be longer by one character in each direction than the other material. See the Nemeth Code Book for examples of spatial arrangements.

Square Shape

Entered in Exact Translation as: {$4}

Square Roots

Square roots are easy. Use the "ar" sign to start a square root, and the "er" sign to end a square root. To write the square root of 16, enter {>#16]} To write the square root of 16, enter {>#16]} To write the "square root of x squared plus y squared" enter {>x^2"+y^2"]} (Notice that you need to come back to the baseline before ending the square root.)

Because of the ambiguity involved, you cannot use contractions inside a square root. So if you need to inclose the word "area" in the square root symbol, you need to write the word in grade one.

Square root, terminate

Entered in Exact Translation as: {]}

Square, filled

Entered in Exact Translation as: {$_4}


A superscript of 2, entered as any character followed by {^2}. Compare with superscript and cubed.


Entered in Exact Translation as: {$s}

Start fraction

Precedes the numerator of a fraction. Material up to the fraction line is the numerator, shown above the fraction line; numerator and denominator are centered horizontally relative to the fraction line. Entered as {?} followed by fraction line and end fraction indicator. See also fraction line, end fraction, complex, and hypercomplex.

Start modified expression

Indicates the beginning of some material which has other signs printed above and/or below it, entered as {"}. See also above, below, terminate overbar expression, terminate underbar expression, and terminate modified expression.


A subscript is something just below the baseline. To write the formula for water (H 2 O), the 2 is a subscript. In Nemeth Code, use dots 5-6 to show a subscript. To come back from the baseline, use either a space or a dot 5. We would expect to write the formula for water as {,h;2",o}, but it would be wrong. If a subscript is entirely a number does not need the subscript mark or the dot 5 after it. The correct Nemeth Code is {,h2,o}. The reader, seeing a number placed against the letter knows that there is a subscript. See also baseline.

Subscript with subscript

Begins a subscript of a subscript, an expression which is written below the subscript level, entered as {;;}. For example, to write "q sub x sub a baseline plus 1" (the a is a subscript to x, the x is a subscript to q) enter {q;x;;a"+1}

Subscript with subscript indicator

Entered in Exact Translation as: {;;}

Subscript with subscript with subscript indicator

Entered in Exact Translation as: {;;;}

Subscript with subscript with superscript indicator

Entered in Exact Translation as: {;;^}

Subscript with superscript

Begins a superscript of a subscript, an expression which is written above the subscript level, entered as {;^}.

Subscript with superscript indicator

Entered in Exact Translation as: {;^}

Subscript with superscript with subscript indicator

Entered in Exact Translation as: {;^;}

Subscript with superscript with superscript indicator

Entered in Exact Translation as: {;^^}

Subset of

Looks like a stretched letter c (or a sideways u wi the opening to the right). Entered in Exact Translation as: {_"k}


An inkprint symbol consisting of a capital sigma, entered as {.,s}. Some symbols, such as the summation sign have math symbols above and below them. In Nemeth Code terminology, the summation sign is modified by having something directly-over and something directly-under.

To write a modified expression, start with a dot 5, followed by the modified symbol, followed by the "sh" sign, followed by the stuff below, followed by the "ar" sign, followed by the stuff above followed by the "er" sign. The dot 5 tells the reader that the expression is being modified, the "sh" is the "directly under", the "ar" is the "directly over", and the "er" is the termination to show that the whole expression is finished. The "er" sign is also used to terminate a square root.

To write "the summation from n equals 1 to 50 of the fraction 1 over 2 to the nth power end fraction" enter as follows: {".,s%n .k #1>#50] ?1/2^n"#} (the {.,s} is the summation sign).


To show that two symbols are superimposed, first enter the first symbol, then {@} then the second symbol, then the termination symbol {]}. For example, an integral sign with a superimposed rectangle is {!@$r]}.


A superscript is something just above the baseline. To write "x squared", the 2 is a superscript. In Nemeth Code, use dots 4-5 to show a superscript. To come back from the baseline, use either a space or a dot 5. To write "x squared", enter {x^2}. To write "x squared plus y squared", enter {x^2"+y^2}. See also baseline.

Superscript with subscript

Begins a subscript of a superscript, an expression which is written below the superscript level, entered as {^;}.

Superscript with subscript indicator

Entered in Exact Translation as: {^;}

Superscript with subscript with subscript indicator

Entered in Exact Translation as: {^;;}

Superscript with subscript with superscript indicator

Entered in Exact Translation as: {^;^}

Superscript with superscript

Begins a superscript of a superscript, an expression which is written above the superscript level, entered as {^^}.

Superscript with superscript indicator

Entered in Exact Translation as: {^^}

Superscript with superscript with subscript indicator

Entered in Exact Translation as: {^^;}

Superscript with superscript with superscript indicator

Entered in Exact Translation as: {^^^}


Greek letter t, entered as Alt-G t for lower case or Alt-G T for upper case. In braille, the lower case tau is {.t} and the upper case tau is {.,t}.

Terminate cube root

The end of a cube root, entered as ] preceded by {<3>}. See also cube root of.

Terminate modified expression

The end of a modified expression, entered as the {]} termination indicator.

Terminate modified expression with overbar

Entered in Exact Translation as: {<:]}

Terminate modified expression with underbar

Entered in Exact Translation as: {%:]}

Terminate overbar expression

The end of a modified expression that has a horizontal bar over it. Entered as {<:]} that is preceded by a {"}. Also see start modified expression.

Terminate radical

The end of a radical, entered as {]} preceded by {>}, which in turn is preceded by {<}. See also index of radical, and of.

Terminate square root

The end of a square root, entered as {]} preceded by {>}. See also square root of.

Terminate underbar expression

The end of a modified expression that has a horizontal bar under it. Entered as {%:]} that is preceded by a {"}. Also see start modified expression.

There exists

Looks like a backwards uppercase e. Entered in Exact Translation as: {@=}

There exists exactly one

Looks like a backwards uppercase e followed by a vertical bar. Entered in Exact Translation as: {@=\}

There exists uniquely

Looks like a backwards uppercase e followed by a vertical bar. Entered in Exact Translation as: {@=\}


Looks like three dots, one above two dots. Entered in Exact Translation as: {,*}


A Greek letter. It is entered as Alt-G j for lower case or Alt-G J for upper case. In braille, the lower case theta is {.?} and the upper case theta is {.,?}.


A wavy horizontal line, slightly longer than a dash, entered as {@:}. Often used to mean similar; may modify a sign of comparison.

Tilde followed by tilde

Entered in Exact Translation as: {@:"@:}

Tilde, double

Entered in Exact Translation as: {@:@:}

Tilde, extended

Entered in Exact Translation as: {@,:}


If the symbol looks like a centered x or cross, enter in Exact Translation as: {@*}. Outside of exact translation, enter as backslash x. See arithmetic.

If the symbol looks like a centered dot, enter in Exact Translation as: {*}.


Entered in Exact Translation as: {$t}

Triangle over equals sign

Entered in Exact Translation as: {".k<$t]}

Two dots over and two dots under equals sign

Entered in Exact Translation as: {".k%**<**]}


You can show several different typefonts in Nemeth code. See bold, italics, sanserif, and script.


See terminate underbar expression.

Union sign

Looks like a large uppercase u. Entered in Exact Translation as: {.+}

Universal quantifier

Looks like an upside down uppercase a. Entered in Exact Translation as: {@&}

Unknown quantity

Often represented in inkprint as a question mark.Entered as the general omission sign, entered as {=}.

Upper case lock

Precedes an entire capitalized word. Uppercase lock is ended with a space, number, or punctuation. Entered as {,,}. See capitalization.

Upper limit

Written as lim or limit with an overbar. Entered in Exact Translation as: {<lim} or {<limit}.


Greek letter u, entered as Alt-G u for lower case or Alt-G U for upper case. In braille, the lower case upsilon is {.u} and the upper case upsilon is {.,u}.

Variation (varies as)

Entered in Exact Translation as: {_=}


Obsolete Greek letter, entered as {.v}.

Vertical bar

Entered in Exact Translation as: {\}

Vertical bar followed by vertical bar

Entered in Exact Translation as: {\"\}

Vertical bar over equals sign

Entered in Exact Translation as: {".k<\]}

Vertical bar, boldface

Entered in Exact Translation as: {_\}

Vertical bar, double

Entered in Exact Translation as: {\\}

Vertical bar, double boldface

Entered in Exact Translation as: {_\_\}

Vertical bar, double double-height enlarged

Entered in Exact Translation as: {,,\,,\}

Vertical bar, double enlarged

Entered in Exact Translation as: {,\,\}

Vertical bar, double followed by double vertical bar

Entered in Exact Translation as: {\\"\\}

Vertical bar, double-height enlarged

Entered in Exact Translation as: {,,\}

Vertical bar, enlarged

Entered in Exact Translation as: {,\}

Vertical bar, triple

Entered in Exact Translation as: {\\\}

Vertical bond

A Chemistry symbol. Entered in Exact Translation as: {\}

Vertical double bond

A Chemistry symbol. Entered in Exact Translation as: {\\}

Vertical triple bond

A Chemistry symbol. Entered in Exact Translation as: {\\\}


Greek letter x, entered as Alt-G x for lower case or Alt-G X for upper case. In braille, the lower case xi is {.x} and the upper case xi is {.,x}.


Greek letter z, entered as Alt-G z for lower case or Alt-G Z for upper case. In braille, the lower case zeta is {.z} and the upper case zeta is {.,z}.