English / Moon - Basic 
This DBT template is designed to produce material written in the English language. It does not produce braille! Instead, it transcribes inkprint into the Moon tactile transcription system. This system was devised in England during the 19th century by Dr. William Moon.
This is a basic DBT template. Click here for more information about Basic Templates.
Unless you override the Initial style, your choice of Moon template controls whether a capital letter indicator is shown in the Moon output. By default, this template indicates capitalization.
You can make this template your default selection.
Click here for more help on the DBT translator used by English Moon - Basic.
Moon Type
Moon is a tactile medium which uses raised characters to represent normal print characters. Moon is not braille. Moon is an alternative to braille.
There are 26 Moon symbols which correspond to the 26 letters of the alphabet:
Click this external link for more information about Moon transcription from Wikipedia.
To produce Moon type from DBT, you can use an Enabling Technologies embosser set to Moon mode, or the equivalent from another embosser supplier. You need to set this mode manually on the embosser.
Sample Microsoft Word File
Click here for a sample Word file in the English language.
Click here for instructions and the complete list of language sample files in Word format.
E-mail support@duxsys.com for software support issues related to Duxbury DBT.