There is only one DBT template for Croatian: Croatian - Basic.
For the details about the DBT translator used by Croatian: click here.
Contracted Braille
This language is usually produced in contracted braille. This means that words are not produced in braille on a one-for-one basis: there are abbreviations (contractions) in the text. If you have questions about producing correct braille, please contact a member of your local braille authority.
Producing this language in uncontracted braille is also quite easy in DBT. Before translation into braille, place the cursor at the top of the document and use the Grade 1 command (Alt+1). When the document is translated, the braille will be uncontracted.
The default math braille code for this template is Russian math.
To use this template (and its translator) for technical material, the math notation needs to be enclosed in the DBT math style. This markup is added automatically when importing LaTeX files and some other formats.