Freedom Scientific VersaPoint Duo

Despite the name, The VersaPoint Duo was produced under license by Enabling Technologies. The appearance, commands, and characteristics of the VersaPoint Duo was similar to the Enabling Juliet.
Details on how the VersaPoint Duo is different from the Juliet embosser.
Details on interfacing the Juliet embosser.
DBT Control File listing for: Freedom Scientific VersaPoint Duo
Click here for the complete list of all the embossers supported by Duxbury DBT.
Duxbury DBT supports virtually all commercially made embossers. If you have concerns about any embosser model, please e-mail
Leo Drell, ceo Visual Aid Services, Inc. 11024 Balboa Blvd., #299 Granada Hills, CA 91344 (818) 909-9453, phone (800) 417-0138, fax (818) 458-9144, cell E-Mail: Website: