Tagalog is one of the major languages of the Philippines, and the basis of the "national" language, Filipino.
There is only one DBT template for Tagalog: Tagalog - Basic.
For the details about the DBT translator used by Tagalog: click here.
In this language, mathematics and technical notation are typically represented using the Nemeth Code.
Contracted Braille
Tagalog is usually produced in contracted braille. This means that words are not produced in braille on a one-for-one basis. There are abbreviations or contractions in the text. If you have questions about how braille is produced, please contact a member of the relevant braille authority.
Languages of the Philippines
Whether or not Tagalog and Filipino are two separate languages is not a braille issue. The fact that the two names are both widely used has prompted Duxbury to list both. Either choice produces the same heavily contracted system of braille output. The other Philippine languages are only lightly contracted.