Control file listing for: Index Braille Box
- # *** Embosser definition unchanged since 06/30/2016
- # using escape sequence. using Index Driver with version 5 firmware
- # esc D with parameters specified in InitSequence setting
- CanDoInterpoint
- VPGraphics
- Index20Graphics
- IndexMulti
- Index16Graphics
- YesUSB
- NoParallel
- ControlZ
- NoSerial
- EndofPage = 1
- MaximumCells = 47
- MaximumLines = 27
- IndexPageInch
- Driver = "Emb_IndexEmbosserDriver"
- StartLeftMargin = 0
- # InitSequence as recommended for V4 firmware 1.3.4
- InitSequence="BT0.TD0.PN0.DP.LS50.TM.BI.CH.LP.MC"
- HelpPage = "Index_Braille_Box.htm"
- Form "A3" = 117 x 165 ; SinglePage ; 49 x 41 ; 47 x 40
- Form "A3_folio" = 165 x 117; DoublePage ; 33 x 29 ; 31 x 27
- Form "A3_landscape" = 165 x 117 ; SinglePage ; 68 x 29 ; 66 x 27
- Form "A4" = 83 x 117 ; SinglePage ; 35 x 29 ; 32 x 27
- Form "A4" = 98 x 117 ; SinglePage ; 41 x 29 ; 41 x 27
- Form "A4_folio" = 117 x 83; DoublePage ; 22 x 20 ; 20 x 20
- Form "11_nd" = 170 x 110; DoublePage ; 33 x 28 ; 32 x 25
- # PJS: Ask Index about 12nd. This is not "Tabloid". but longer. So what do we call it?
- Form "12_nd" = 170 x 120; DoublePage ; 33 x 29 ; 32 x 28
- Form "10_n" = 85 x 100 ; SinglePage ; 35 x 24 ; 32 x 23
- Form "11_n" = 85 x 110 ; SinglePage ; 35 x 27 ; 32 x 25
- Form "11_w" = 115 x 110 ; SinglePage ; 47 x 27 ; 40 x 25
- Form "12_n" = 85 x 120 ; SinglePage ; 35 x 30 ; 32 x 28
- Form "12_w" = 115 x 120 ; SinglePage ; 47 x 30 ; 40 x 28
- Form "RusBook" = 96 x 117 ; SinglePage ; 40 x 29 ; 36 x 27
- Form "RusNote" = 150 x 99; SinglePage ; 41 x 37 ; 38 x 37
- Form "RusNote_folio" = 150 x 99; DoublePage ; 31 x 25 ; 30 x 23