An Enabling Technologies embosser with "Moon mode" setting, or equivalent, must be used to emboss the output. Make sure that the page dimensions (under the "Global: Embosser" menu) have been set appropriately. 22 characters per line, 21 lines per page is typical for a Juliet embosser with paper 13 inches in depth and 10-3/4 inches in width (excluding the tractor-feed border).
The print file can be prepared in any of the standard ways, e.g. by direct keying or by importing from a word processor file, and also may be viewed and edited normally in DBT. However, the translated output cannot, at this writing (August 2000), be viewed in a Moon font within DBT. Generally, when viewing the Moon output (which is labelled as "braille"), the most sensible viewing option is to select the "print font" under the "View" menu. The print characters stand one-for-one with Moon characters, and mostly have a mnemonic relationship to them even if they are not always shaped similarly. You may edit this Moon file, save it to a .dxb or .brf file, and emboss to a suitably set embosser, etc., just as you would a regular braille file.
True Moon-to-print translation is not supported. This means that it is not generally useful to translate the Moon output to print. It also means that the "translated line" will typically contain gibberish when viewing the Moon file—you may prefer to turn off the "translated line" under the "View" menu, or even under "Global: Default Views..." if you wish it to be turned off by default.
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