Navajo - Translator Table 
Table Designator: nav
A translation table is a module in DBT that provides the rules to convert (translate) a document from print-to-braille or from braille-to-print. Normally, it is selected by the DBT template that controls production of the current document. All documents have a template. In fact, for many languages there are multiple templates, with differences in translation rules or formatting, but each references at least one translation table. (For more on templates, see DBT Templates, the Basics.)
Regardless of your template, you can choose a different translation table to translate your current document using the Translation Table selection from the DBT Document Menu.
You can also select different translation tables to use for particular passages in your document. See the section below on Language Table Switching.
The Navajo tables are used for converting Navajo language text between print and braille.
Translation from braille-to-print is supported for this language.
Key Characteristics
Table Designator: nav identifies this translation table for Language Table Switching.
Braille Contractions: This language is usually produced in uncontracted braille. This means that the letters of each word are rendered into braille on a one-for-one basis.
Capital Sign: Navajo Braille uses dot 6 as the capital sign, and two cells of dot 6 for whole words in capital letters, with additional rules for longer phrases in all capitals.
Emphasis: The Navajo translator handles emphasis in the same manner as the Unified English (UEB) table.
Mathematical Braille: The Navajo translator includes the translation of technical material such as mathematics and chemical formulae using UEB math. However, the choice of math codes is generally controlled by the template chosen for a given document. It would be possible to use a different mathematics code by creating a custom template with a well-defined math style..
Other Features
Several other features are available in Navajo transcription. Further information is available by following the link to read about the Unified English (UEB) table, upon which the Navajo table is based.
Updates and Errors
If you have information about changes in the braille rules for your language, please email Duxbury so that we may update our translation tables. Likewise, if you find errors in your translated document, in either the print-to-braille or braille-to-print direction, please contact us. To describe your problem, it is best to send both the *.dxp and *.dxb files along with a full explanation, because the correct braille is often a matter of very specific circumstances. Contact Duxbury at: