Multiple Templates for Kannada
For Kannada, there are two DBT templates:
"Nemeth" refers to the use of the Nemeth Code for mathematics and science notation, used in the United States, India, and a few other countries. The template without "Nemeth" makes use of the UEB (Unified English Braille) code for mathematics and science notation.
For documents without mathematics, it does not matter which one you choose. For documents using math and technical notation, DBT offers several different methods of entering mathematical material.
For the details about the DBT translator used by Kannada: click here.
Uncontracted Braille
This language is usually produced in uncontracted braille, which means that words in the text are rendered in braille on a one-for-one basis: one braille character for each inkprint letter. Some inkprint punctuation may require more than one braille character. Indicating upper case, emphasis, or numbers also adds braille characters to the character count. However, the braille contains no abbreviations or contractions.
If you have questions about producing correct braille, please contact a member of the appropriate braille authority.
Non-Roman Script
Kannada is written in a script other than the Roman alphabet. This may result in problems when importing files into DBT. Your best option is to import files from Microsoft Word or Open Office that are written in a Unicode font. You can contact support at Duxbury Systems if you have a file which does not import properly into DBT. Please send the file which does not import (the original inkprint file), not a screen shot of DBT.