There is only one template for Afrikaans: Afrikaans - Basic
For the details about the DBT translator used by Afrikaans: click here.
Contracted Braille
Afrikaans is usually produced in contracted braille. This means that words are not produced in braille on a one-for-one basis. There are abbreviations or contractions in the text. If you have questions about how braille is produced, please contact a member of the relevant braille authority.
Sometimes, you may want to produce uncontracted braille. This is easy to do with DBT. Before translation into braille, go to the top of the document in DBT, and press Alt+1. When you translate into braille, the braille will be uncontracted.
Afrikaans Translation Systems
An older system for contracted Afrikaans braille was used for years, but it was supplanted by the new unified Afrikaans. The DBT template Afrikaans - Basic uses the new unified contracted system.
DBT can be used to produce braille according to the older system if you prefer. Here are the steps:
- Open a new Document in DBT using the Afrikaans - Basic Template.
- Do not enter any text.
- From the Document Menu, choose Translation Table, and select Afrikaans Pre-unified.
- From the Document Menu, choose Create Template.
- Decide if you are going to change the existing Afrikaans template or create an additional template.
- In general, you want to select dbt as your Word Style Map.
From then on, use the new or modified DBT template and you will get the older braille translation system.
Official Languages of South Africa
There are 11 officially recognized languages in South Africa. All of them are supported by Duxbury DBT.