The following list of embossers supported by Duxbury includes every significant embosser manufacturer world-wide, and almost every embosser either in production or out of production but still in use.
APH PageBlaster
APH PixBlaster
ATC Braille & Print
ATC Dot & Print
ATC Ohtsuki
Brailletec BTec 100
Brailletec Elotype 4A
Brailletec PUMA 6
Brailletec PUMA 7
Braillo 200
Braillo 200 and Braillo 400 - with 270 style ROMs
Braillo 270
Braillo 30
Braillo 300
Braillo 300 S2
Braillo 40 and 50
Braillo 400 S
Braillo 400 SR
Braillo 440 SF (Stitch & Fold)
Braillo 440 SW
Braillo 450 S2
Braillo 600 S2
Braillo 600 SR and 600 SR2
Braillo 650 SF and 650 SF2 (Stitch & Fold)
Braillo 650 SW
Braillo Comet
Cranmer Modified Perkins Brailler
Ebrailler Cosmo
Enabling Braille Bookmaker
Enabling Braille Express
Enabling Braille Express-100
Enabling Braille Express-150
Enabling BraillePlace
Enabling Cyclone
Enabling E.T.
Enabling Juliet 120
Enabling Juliet Classic
Enabling Juliet Pro
Enabling Juliet Pro 60
Enabling Marathon
Enabling PED-30
Enabling Phoenix Gold
Enabling Phoenix Silver
Enabling Romeo 60
Enabling Romeo 20 40
Enabling Romeo 25
Enabling Romeo Attache
Enabling Romeo Attache Pro
Enabling Romeo Attache (2nd Edition)
Enabling Romeo Attache Pro (2nd Edition)
Enabling Romeo Pro 50
Enabling Romeo Pro LE Narrow
Enabling Romeo Pro LE Wide
Enabling Thomas
Enabling Thomas Pro
Enabling Trident
Freedom Scientific Braille Blazer
Freedom Scientific Braille Inferno
Freedom Scientific VersaPoint
Freedom Scientific VersaPoint Duo
Index 4Waves Pro
Index 4x4 PRO
Index Advanced
Index Basic (blue bar)
Index Basic-D
Index Basic-S
Index Braille Box
Index Everest-D
Index Fanfold-D
Interpoint NV Elekul 03
Interpoint NV Elekul 55
Irie Braille Buddy
Irie BrailleSheet 120
Irie BrailleTrac 120
Irie VP Rogue Trac
Irie VP Rogue Sheet
JTR Corporation ESA 300 (Japan)
JTR Corporation ESA 600 (Japan)
JTR Corporation ESA 721 (Japan)
JTR Corporation ESA 919 (Japan)
JTR Corporation ESA 2000 (Japan)
Nippon Gemini (small spacing)
Nippon Telesoft BMP-320
Nippon Telesoft BPW-32
Nippon Telesoft Gemini
Nippon Telesoft Super Gemini
Nippon Telesoft Dog-pro
Nippon Telesoft TP-32
ONCE Impacto
ONCE Impacto Advanced
ONCE PortaThiel
Pulse Data Paragon
Quantum Mountbatten
TactPlus EasyTactix
Thiel Bax 10
Thiel Beta X3
Thiel Impacto 600
Thiel Impacto Advanced
Thiel PortaThiel
Thiel PortaThiel Interpoint
Thiel Texto
Triformations LED-120
Triformations Personal Brailler
Triformations TED-600
Triformations TRI-170
ViewPlus Columbia
ViewPlus Delta
ViewPlus Elite
ViewPlus Elite with Ink Connect
ViewPlus EmBraille
ViewPlus Emprint
ViewPlus Premier
ViewPlus Premier with Ink Connect
ViewPlus Rogue
ViewPlus SpotDot
ViewPlus Tiger Advantage
ViewPlus Tiger Cub
ViewPlus Tiger Cub Junior
ViewPlus Tiger Max
ViewPlus Tiger Pro
ViewPlus Tiger Pro Ink
VisualTEK MBOSS-35