Common Problems
Braille Printers.
Q: I have just got a new PC, and installed my Braille Embosser and DBT onto it. Now I am getting "rubbish" Braille being printed.
A1: In most cases, this is due to the Parallel Port setting in the computer's BIOS not being set to SPP or Standard Parallel Port. However, the most recent models of Index embossers (i.e. those with USB & Network ports) require ECP/EPP. Contact a local technician if you are not sure about altering the BIOS.
A1: If running the embosser through a Serial connection, make sure that you have the correct cable, and that the settings on the PC and Printer, such as Baud rate, Stop Bits, etc., are the same on both.
Q: My Braille embosser was working fine until I installed a new ink printer. Now I am getting "rubbish" Braille.
Q: My Braille embosser was working fine until I installed a new ink printer. Now my braille embosser will not work at all.
A: The chances are that you have set-up DBT in Global/Embosser Setup to print direct to a printer port such as LPT1. In Windows, go to Settings, Printers, and Add New Printer. Under Printer Manufacturers select "Generic", and under Type, select Text Only. Now run DBT, go to the Global menu, then Embosser Setup, and under Windows devices, select the Generic/Text Only printer which you have just installed.
Q: I have an Index Basic Braille embosser, and suddenly all the text is no longer formatted as it appears in DBT.
A: Someone has switched the printers format switch to the "REF" or Reformat Position. There are four switches on the top left of the printer. Make sure the switch second from the left is pressed down at the front.
Q: My printer is missing dots, cells, or groups of cells. (Or generally, "acting up").
A: It may be that the printer itself is faulty. Refer to the manual for the printer, and perform a "Test Print" or "Self Test". If the problem exists with this test, then it is almost certainly the printer which is at fault.
Q: Sometimes my embosser decides to print rubbish at random intervals.
A: This can be due to using an excessively long Parallel cable, or one of dubious quality. Use a shorter cable (ideally no longer than 10 feet or 3 Meters) or replace it.
Printer Drivers.
Q: I do not have any Windows Drivers for my Braille printer.
A: In general there are no such drivers. Install a Generic/Text Only printer. In DBT's Global - Embosser Setup, under Windows Device, set to this printer.
An exception to this are some Index printers which were introduced at the end of 2002. Please contact your local supplier for further information.
Formatting Problems.
Q: My Double-sided printer is only printing Single-sided.
Q: I am getting unwanted blank lines or blank pages.
A: This is usually because of a difference between your printer's settings and DBT's. For example, DBT set to 29 characters per line, and the printer set to 28. As a general rule, always set DBT's Line and Page Length to one less than the printer is set to.
Missing Text.
Q: I have a very large document, and am unable to print it out without large chunks of text going missing.
A: This is usually caused either by your Braille Printer not having sufficient "Buffer memory", or not "Handshaking" correctly with your computer. The Braille printer manufacturer may be able to advise you on whether you can solve the problem locally, or perhaps if you require a printer firmware upgrade. Alternatively, try printing the document in smaller sections. (As a VERY rough guide, if your printer has say 100k of Buffer Memory, you should get away with sending about 80 to 90 pages at a time.)
Braille View.
Q: When I Translate a file, and look at it in Braille view, some of the Braille appears to be wrong, yet when I emboss it, all is well.
A: It is probable that your Page View is wrong. Go to DBT's Global Menu, and select "Internationalization". Braille Code for Display should normally be "North American English", unless advised otherwise.