NLS I.M.B.T. - Order of Braille Sign Introduction

The "Instruction Manual for Braille Transcribers," is a publication of the Library of Congress, National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS). The intermediate levels are expressed as section numbers within that document. When you choose a section, only the contractions introduced through that section are used in the translation to braille. Some of the sections are subdivided for convenience in following customary courses of instruction. Specifically, the contractions introduced at each higher level are given, by section, in the following list:

Section 3.2:

but can do every from go have just knowledge like more not people quite rather so that us very will it you as

Section 3.3: (Plus the above)

and for of the with

Section 4.1: (Plus the above)

ch sh th wh ou st

Section 4.4: (Plus the above)

child shall this which out still

Section 5.1: (Plus the above)

ar ed er gh ow

Section 5.1a (Plus the above)

ble ing

Section 6.2: (Plus the above)

his was were

Section 6.2a: (Plus the above)


Section 6.2b: (Plus the above)


Section 6.2c: (Plus the above)

enough en

Section 6.7: (Plus the above)

con dis

Section 6.7a: (Plus the above)


Section 7.1: (Plus the above)

to into by

Section 7.2: (Plus the above)

bb cc dd ff gg ea

Section 8.1: (Plus the above)

day ever father here know lord mother name one part question right some time under work young character through where ought there upon word those whose these cannot had many spirit world their

Section 9.1: (Plus the above)

ound ance sion less ount ence ong ful tion ness ment ity ation ally

Section 10.1 of the Instruction Manual introduces the final group, namely the short-form words: about above according across after afternoon afterward again against almost already also although altogether always because before behind below beneath beside between beyond blind braille children first friend good great immediate letter little must necessary o'clock paid perhaps quick said together could should would either neither much such today to-day tonight to-night tomorrow him himself its itself your yourself yourselves herself myself oneself ourselves themselves thyself declare declaring rejoice rejoicing conceive conceiving deceive deceiving perceive perceiving receive receiving This last level is not in the "Select Contractions" list, because inclusion of the short-form words amounts to full grade 2, which is selected simply by choosing "American" without "Select Contractions".