Centering + Lines Before

(See also: Centering + Lines Following)

Code Used: [hdsN:L] + [hde]

Keystroke: (None at present)

What does it do?

It controls the number of blank lines which appear before the centered heading or text.

Where would it be used?

Where you wish to leave more than the default of one blank line before the centered text.

Usage in Duxbury:

...end of paragraph.
My Heading[hde]

Will place 2 blank lines before the heading above, ensuring that there are still four lines left on the page.

Produces in Braille:

'''5d ( p>agraph4

------------ blank line ------------
------------ blank line ------------
   ,my ,h1d+
,w place #b blank l9es 2f ! h1d+
abv1 5sur+ t "! >e / f\r l9es left
on ! page4