Welcome to DBT's Help System!
There are two ways to access Help in DBT. One is to select Help on the Menu bar and then select Help Topics. The other way is to press the F1 function key.
If you have a menu item selected, pressing F1 gets you specific help on that menu selection. The same is generally true for DBT dialogs. Otherwise, pressing F1 opens Help beginning from the welcome page.
Once opened, you will find the Help window tries to remain in front of the main DBT editing window. (This is a normal operating system behaviour.) You may find you need to move the Help window to one side if you wish to see both at once, and you can always minimize the Help window and bring it up again when you want it.
DBT Help frequently describes how to accomplish a task through a combination of keystrokes. The convention to indicate a specific key is to show the name in bold type. For example, Enter or Tab specifies those keys on your keyboard. To describe pressing a combination of keys, we use the + sign, as in Alt + c, which means, "hold down the Alt key while pressing the c". A full discussion of the typographic conventions used in DBT Help can be found in the topic, "DBT Help Conventions", in this section.
There is also a copy of the text of DBT Help on the Duxbury website, for use when you select Translate Help or when you use a search engine that offers a link into DBT's Help material from the internet.
The Using Help section consists of the following topics: