This is the technical description of a DBT Translation table. If you want more general information about languages and template choices, please see the list of templates.
Initially, the language table for braille translation is determined by the selected template, and may be changed using the Document / Translation Tables menu. Using those menus does not require use of the table designator. However, to switch to a different translation table partway through a file, one must enter a DBT code and the designator for the table to switch to. For switching secondary languages within a base language table, see the [lng~X] command. For switching from one base language to another, see the [lnb~...] command.
The Dhivehi table support print-to-braille translation of Dhivehi-language literary text in uncontracted Dhivehi braille according to our best understanding. English text may also be processed as a sub-language, and converted to contracted or uncontracted English braille (following British conventions). The American Computer Braille Code (CBC) is also supported.
Normally, the text is first prepared on Microsoft Word.
Braille-to-print translation is supported for this language. However, braille-to-print translation may not be perfect, therefore beware that errors can occur. If you find errors or have suggestions, please send both the *.dxb and *.dxp files along with an explanation to: languages@duxsys.com. Please be sure to include sample files!
True braille-to-print translation is supported only within any embedded English text, not in the Dhivehi text. This means that it is not generally useful to translate an Dhivehi braille file to print. It also means that the "translated line" will typically contain gibberish when viewing the braille file. You may prefer to turn off the "translated line" under the View menu, or even under Global/Default if you wish it to be off by default.
Dhivehi characters may not be shown normally on the "print file" view of DBT, and in any case the normal (right-to-left) directionality of Arabic text is not supported in that view. This is the main reason that Microsoft Word should normally be used for entering, editing and viewing the print text and the DBT print view is used only as an intermediary step enroute to the braille.
Most of the translation table is borrowed from the Arabic table. Click here to learn about the features of the Arabic table, which are probably present in the Dhivehi table.