Greek Flag of the United States of America

Multiple Templates for Greek

The Greek language has multiple DBT Templates:

The template Greek (Modern) - basic should be used for all braille used in Greece. The template Greek (Classical-American) - basic is designed for readers of classical Greek (ancient Greek). Despite the word American in its title, it can be used around the world since it is based on a British standard. The Biblical Languages translator may be prefered by scholars since it shows some diacritics not shown in the other Greek tables. The Biblical Languages translator also handles Hebrew, Syriac, Arabic, Russian, and a variety of European languages.

The template Greek (Modern) - Basic supports the Greek braille mathematics system, which is similar to Nemeth Code.

For the details about the DBT translator used, first select one of the DBT Templates for this language.

Uncontracted Braille

Greek is usually produced in uncontracted braille. This means that words in the text are produced in braille on a one-for-one basis. One braille character for each inkprint symbol. Some inkprint punctuation may require more than one braille character. Showing upper case, emphasis, or numbers will add braille characters to the character count.But there are no abbreviations or contractions. If you have questions about how braille is produced, please contact a member of the relevant braille authority.

Default Braille Mathematics Code

The default math braille code for this Template is Greek.

To use this translator for technical material, the math material needs to be enclosed in the DBT style, math. This markup is added automatically when importing LaTeX files and some other formats.

Non-Roman Script

Greek is written in a script other than the Roman alphabet. This may result in problems when importing files into DBT.Your best option is to import files from Microsoft Word or Open Office that are written in a Unicode font.You can contact support at Duxbury Systems if you have a file which does not import properly into DBT. Please send the file which does not import (the original inkprint file), not a screen shot of DBT.

Please contact us if you have any concerns.