The Tsonga tables support print-to-braille translation of Tsonga-language literary text in contracted or uncontracted braille as defined for that language. The American Computer Braille Code (CBC) is also supported.
There are no special requirements and limitations.
No secondary languages are supported.
Computer Braille Code (CBC), as defined by the Braille Authority of North America, is supported.
[/] may be embedded within letter-groups that would normally be contracted, to prevent the contraction.
[ab] is equivalent to [g2]
[cz] switches to "direct braille," wherein braille is directly represented using the North American ASCII-braille code. (This is sometimes called "no-translate" or "computer grade 0")
[g1] switches to "grade 1" (uncontracted) braille.
[g2] switches to "grade 2" (contracted) braille.
[in] is equivalent to [g1]
[tx] resumes normal translation, ending "direct braille."
Other translation codes will generally be ignored, or may cause unpredictable translation results.
The table is designed to work with the following groups of characters:
All ASCII printable characters
All forms of letters and punctuation marks typical of the Tsonga language
British pound sign (£)
The above is a general guide only (see "General Notes" section at the beginning of this document).
These tables were developed from November 1995 by the South Africa Blind Workers (SABWO), Johannesburg, working from earlier sample tables provided by Duxbury Systems, Inc. They are presently maintained mainly by Mr. Christo de Klerk with the help of Mr. Jan Bam, and with occasional assistance from Duxbury.
(Documentation reviewed: May 2006.)