File: Save

Keystroke: Ctrl + s

Please try to remember this keystroke and use it regularly.

(Please also see details of the Autosave Options feature in the Global menu.)

Image shows the File: Save dialog.

This command tells DBT to save your document into a disk file.  If your document already has been saved, then any changes are written immediately.  Otherwise, you will be prompted for a file name and location, as shown below.

(This Save dialog box works in exactly the same way as a Windows Save As dialog box.)

The above is the standard Windows Save as: dialog where normal Windows conventions apply.

Image showing Save confirmation dialog with three buttons. Yes, No and Cancel.

File Name: DBT may automatically supply a file name.  It does this when your DBT document has been created by importing a file created with another application or by translating a file previously created by DBT.  You may change the file name.  If DBT has not automatically supplied a file name, then you must type one.  YOU DO NOT need to type the file extension.