Global: Embosser Setup: TranSendSE

Note: This tab will only appear if you have purchased the TranSendSE add-on from Enabling Technologies.

When you select an Enabling Technologies embosser from the “Brailler Device” list and select "Modify Embosser" from the Global: Embosser Setup dialog, you will be presented with the following dialog under the “TranSend SE” tab.

This dialog contains four tabs.  "General", "Device Settings" "TranSend SE" and "Advanced".


Image of Transend dialg which will only appear if the Transend add-in has been purchased,

Below these tabs is a drop-down combo box containing three items, the first item in the drop-down “Choose a Supported Printer:” contains an alphabetic listing of all supported makes and models of print printers that are supported with TranSend SE. The second item in the drop-down “Choose a Supported or Compatible Printer:” contains an alphabetic listing of all supported or compatible makes and models of print printers that are supported with TranSend SE. The third item in the drop-down “Choose any Printer:” contains an alphabetic listing of all print printers that are installed on your computer.

Font: You may select any font installed in your computer for the print output for the selected printer.

Font Size: Selects the size of the print printer font.

Ink Placement Adjustment: Lets you adjust the physical horizontal and vertical offset from the left margin of the print document.