Global: Shortcut Preferences...

Keystroke: s from Global menu.

Images shows the Global: Shortcut Preferences dialog populated as follows.

This option should generally be left as shown above.

It has been provided to resolve a specific situation relating to a particular International version of DBT.

The purpose of this option is to allow for variations in the codes inserted for the various shortcut keystrokes listed in the dialog below:

The defaults for English are:

Insert for Grade 0  = (Alt + 0) which generates the code [cz]

Insert for Flush Right with Leader = (Alt + F7) which generates the code [fr;p~".]

Insert for Computer Braille = (Alt + 3) which generates the code [cb]

Insert for New Line = (Enter) which generates the code [<]

Insert for New Page = (Ctrl +Enter) which generates the code [pg]

If you wish to find out more about what these codes do, please refer to the alphabetical listing of codes in DBT Codes Quick Reference and subsequent "Tell me more" buttons. DBT Codes Quick Reference and subsequent "Tell me more" buttons available in on line Help.