Global: Fonts...

Keystroke: f from Global menu

This dialog allows you to select default screen and printer font and size.

Please note: Fixed width fonts are listed first in alphabetical sequence, followed then by proportional fonts also in alphabetical sequence.

If you wish to use a font such as Arabic for example, please ensure you select a font which supports the language you wish to display.

Image shows the Global: Fonts dialog

There are 8 controls in this dialog.

  1. Print Font: A list Box which allows you to select which font you wish to use when you print a DBT document.
  2. Print font size for screen display: Text Box.  Enter the point size you wish displayed for screen print matter.
  3. Braille/SimBraille font point size for screen display: Text Box.  Enter the point size you wish displayed when either Braille or SimBraille font are displayed on the screen
  4. Auto-determine point size for output - Check box.  If this box is checked, DBT will automatically re-size any ink printed text or Braille.  If checked, the next two items will not be available to you
  5. Print font point size for printed output: Text Box.  Allows you specify the size of font used in printed DBT text documents
  6. Braille/SimBraille font point size for printed output:  Text Box. Allows you to specify the point size of ink printed braille.  Note: 24 point is close to actual size
  7. Cancel. Button.  Click button or press Esc to exit this dialog without making changes.
  8. OK. Button. Click or press Enter to confirm your changes.  The dialog will now close.