1. Click the Start button on the Task Bar OR: Press the Windows Start Button
2. Choose Programs (or press p)
3. Select the "Duxbury" Program Group
4. Click the "DBT Win" Icon OR: Using the arrow keys, move to the "DBT Win" option and press the Enter key
1. Select "File: New" from the menu; OR: use the shortcut command Ctrl + n by typing the key marked "Ctrl" and the letter "n" at the same time.
2. Select "Print" and "Standard Format" in the dialog box
3. Click "OK"
Shortcut Keys (in pull-down menus)
Shortcut key commands are listed next to the corresponding menu command. For instance, when you select "File: New" from the menu, you can also type Ctrl + n. This option is listed directly to the right of the menu command. Shortcut key options are an easy, quick way to carry out commands which can take much longer if you use the menu.
To create our first document, we are going to type a letter. Type the following, using Enter twice at every skipped line. Do NOT press Enter where lines end within the paragraph; just use the Space bar as you normally would between words, and let DBT "wrap" the lines automatically:
Dear Mother,
How are you? I'm well. I'm learning how to use the Duxbury Braille Translator. It isn't very hard! All you have to do is to type in the text, tell the program to translate, and emboss!
That's all - it's that simple! (Later on, we'll see that proper formatting of most kinds of documents requires more than just pressing Enter twice for skipped lines -- but in this case, that's all that's needed.)
Select "File: Translate" from the menu or type Ctrl + t.
That's all! You've translated your document!
Embossing a document is very easy. It's setting up the embosser that can be difficult. That subject is covered within the section entitled "Installation and Setup." Please be sure that the embosser setup has been completed before proceeding with this step -- or, if you do not have an embosser, skip this step.
2. Click "OK" or type the Enter key
There are three ways to close a document. Be sure to close the document, not the application.
1. Select "File: Close" from the menu
2. If DBT asks whether you want to save the document, click "No."
1. Click the document's "Close" button
2. If DBT asks whether you want to save the document, click "No."
1. Type Ctrl + F4
2. If DBT asks whether you want to save the document, click "No."
1. Select "File: Save" from the menu, or type Ctrl + s.
2. Type "letter.dxp"- the extension ".dxp" tells DBT that this is going to be a DBT print document.
3. Be sure to save your document in the "dbtdocs" directory.
4. Click "Yes" or press the Enter key.
A Note About Closing and Saving Documents:
When you exit DBT, the application first closes any open documents. If you have made changes to a document and have not saved those changes, DBT will ask you if you want to save your changes. DBT also saves the position of your cursor. If your document is a long one, you may find that the next time you open the document, you can't see the beginning of it. In order to avoid confusion, type Ctrl + Home, to place your cursor at the beginning of the document, before saving. If you want to remember where you stopped working, then don't move the cursor to the beginning of the document before saving it.
· Select "File: Exit" from the menu
· Click the
application's "Close" button.
· Type Alt + F4