A network-based installation is simply one in which all the instances of NimPro, on as many machines as they are installed, are all activated through a single server machine on your network. Only the server computer needs to be activated. All other NimPro's on the network will become activated as its clients. Naturally, in this set-up the server must be activated for multiple users.
Network installation can be a fairly dense topic. Here is an outline of the steps:.
Now we go through these steps in detail.
We say, "server or master workstation," because the computer you choose as the master for NimPro activation need not be running a server operating system. This gives you a wider choice of computers to use as your master for activation. If the computer you choose is not a Windows Server machine, then it must be at least a Windows 7 computer or later, and you need to be willing to leave it powered on whenever NimPro (or DBT) is needed by any user on the network.
Once you've chosen a server machine, install NimPro on it by double clicking on the installer and following its instructions. (This installation is similar to the Simple Installation instructions for DBT, but has fewer options.)
The next step is to activate NimPro on the server machine. When you launch NimPro, you will see the Help menu in the menu bar. Open it and choose Activation Wizard ... Or the Activation Wizard can be invoked directly from the NimPro home directory by double clicking on actwiz.exe.
On the main page of the Activation Wizard is the radio button, Set up this server to host the network license. Select that choice and click the Next button. From there you can simply follow the instructions in the Wizard, but here are some helpful tips.
Note: This is the only NimPro activation you should do. Do not attempt to activate the client machines separately. What you will do instead is connect them to your server.
Summary: Just the same way NimPro is installed from an installer package (an .msi file), you need to install the Shared License Service from its .msi file, duxsls-0100.msi. When you complete the installation, the network license-sharing service starts up. This service allows other machines on the network to obtain their NimPro activations from your server.
The Installer: The installer guides you through each step, beginning with the End User License Agreement, which you must accept to enable the Next button and which we recommend you read through at least once. By default the installer places the Shared License Service files in the Duxbury\Shared License Server folder. We recommend you accept the default location.
On the last page of the installer, the Install button completes the installation using the selected folder. If your version of the installer includes a checkbox prompting you to Configure and start service you should leave that checked, because it will open the Duxbury SLS Editor for you automatically. If not, you need to go to your selected installation folder (again, it is Duxbury\Shared License Server by default) and click on the DuxSlsEditor.exe to run it.
The Editor: If your installation includes one or multiple versions of DBT along with NimPro, or uses third-party software that is activated using Sheriff, you need to configure them using the SLS Editor. Even if you have no complications, you invoke the Editor to build the required initialization files and to start the service.
The Editor prompts you for a port number for the Shared License Service. As previously noted the default is port 8080, and you can use that if it is not already in use or unsuitable for some reason local to your own network. If you chose a different port number in the Activation Wizard, enter that same port number here.
On this same screen, the Editor provides a list of checkboxes for you to indicate which Duxbury products you wish to share from this server. In the most common case, that list contains the single version of NimPro, and likewise the DBT, that you have just installed and activated. In the most complicated case, the list may include more Duxbury products or versions, and even third-party software.
Unless necessary, we do not recommend running third-party products (should any be listed) under the same port number as your Duxbury applications. In the most complex case, conflicts between Duxbury and third-party software may possibly be resolved by editing the content of the initialization (.ini) files per the next screen in the Editor. Consult your local IT personnel and the installation instructions of your third-party software if you need to do this. Normally no editing of these settings is required.
On leaving the Editor you must click the Start Service button to launch the Duxbury Shared License Service. You can confirm the service is running by finding it under this name in your Administrative Tools: Services screen.
The Duxbury Shared License Service is not added to the list of rules (or programs) in your firewall automatically. You must edit the Inbound Rules of the Windows Firewall (or similar program list on your third-party firewall) to add the service.
Using Windows 7 as an example:
In the Windows Firewall, you need to access the Advanced settings (administrative level) functions.
To avoid confusion, we suggest you name the new entry, Duxbury Shared License Service.
Assuming you have installed the Shared License Service in the normal location, the program you need to allow is under the Duxbury\ Shared License Server folder. The program you need to allow is named slsServer.exe.
Once you make the new entry, you can open the specific port number through which this service communicates. In the Windows Firewall this setting is found under the Properties of the Duxbury Shared License Service.
Consult your specific firewall documentation for additional guidance.
For each client computer, install NimPro using the NimPro installer by double clicking it and following the instructions.
Next you need to connect each client machine to the server. To do this, launch the NimPro Activation Wizard. You can do this by running NimPro and then clicking ActivationWizard under the Help menu, or by invoking the Activation Wizard (actwiz.exe) directly in the NimPro home folder.
On the Wizard's main page is a radio button labeled, Connect to the network license server on your LAN. Select that choice and click the Next button.
To complete your connection on each client machine, you need to fill in:
Once you have entered this data, click the Test button. Test attempts to complete the connection. This lets you know the data you entered are valid. A valid test enables the Next button for you to click it and complete the operation. You should see a Success message and click the Finish button to exit.